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point ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

point anlamı
1) nokta
2) puan
3) konu
4) husus
5) sayı
6) mesele
7) uç
8) amaç
9) anlam
10) an
11) ana fikir
12) özellik
13) vurgu
14) sivri uç
15) incelik
16) oyma kalemi
17) etki
18) neden
1) göstermek
2) işaret etmek
3) doğrultmak
4) doğrultmak
5) çevirmek
6) sivriltmek
7) noktalamak
8) bitirmek
9) sivrilmek
10) uç vermek
11) çıkmak

"point" için örnek kullanımlar

That dunk put a punctuation mark on his 1,000th career point at SU.
Bu dunk SU yaptığı 1.000 'inci kariyeri noktasında bir noktalama işareti koymak.
Kaynak: syracuse.com
The Miami point guard always wants to keep his teammates involved.
Miami point guard zaman onun takım arkadaşları dahil tutmak istiyor.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
Again, Sacramento's fans have helped the city get to this point.
Yine, Sacramento taraftarları şehrin bu noktaya olsun yardımcı olmuştur.
Kaynak: sactownroyalty.com
"Yeah, maybe, but I don't know. "I try to play the point.
"Evet, belki, ama ben bilmiyorum." Ben gelin oynatmaya çalışın.
Kaynak: tennis.com
The character is encoded in Unicode as 0021 | exclamation point | html. History: One theory of its origin is that it was a Latin exclamation
Kaynak: Exclamation mark
Point or points may refer to the following: Business and finance : Basis point , 1/100 of one percent, denoted bp, bps, and ‱ Pivot point , a
Kaynak: Point
In ice hockey , point has three modern meanings: A point is awarded to a player for each goal scored or assist earned. The total number
Kaynak: Point (ice hockey)
Points can be accumulated by making field goals (two or three points) or free throw s (one point). within the three-point line, the player
Kaynak: Point (basketball)
In geometry , topology , and related branches of mathematics, a spatial point is a primitive notion upon which other concepts may be
Kaynak: Point (geometry)
The team that won the point serves for the next point. If the team that won the point served in the previous point, the same player serves
Kaynak: Volleyball
They were once called cover-point. In regular play, two defencemen complement three forwards and a goaltender on the ice. Exceptions
Kaynak: Defenceman
date February 2013 A peninsula can also be a headland (head), cape , island promontory , bill, point, or spit Note that a point is
Kaynak: Peninsula
The switch consists of the pair of linked tapering rails, known as points (switch rails or point blades), lying between the diverging outer
Kaynak: Railroad switch
In digital imaging , a pixel, or pel (picture element) is a physical point in a raster image , or the smallest addressable element in a
Kaynak: Pixel
Compass point names: Image:Compass Rose English North. svg | A 16-point compass rose Image:Compass thumbnail. jpg | A 32-wind compass card,
Kaynak: Boxing the compass
A headland is a point of land, usually high and often with a sheer drop, that extends out into a body of water. The word is often used as
Kaynak: Headland
In geometry , a point reflection or inversion in a point (or inversion through a point, or central inversion) is a type of isometry of
Kaynak: Point reflection
A point mutation, or single base substitution, is a type of mutation that causes the replacement of a single base nucleotide with another
Kaynak: Point mutation
A point particle (ideal particle or point-like particle, often spelled pointlike particle) is an idealization of particle s heavily used
Kaynak: Point particle
In geometry , a vertex (plural vertices) is a special kind of point that describes the corner s or intersections of geometric shapes.
Kaynak: Vertex (geometry)
In archaeological terms , a projectile point is an object that was hafted to a projectile, such as a spear, dart, or arrow , or perhaps
Kaynak: Projectile point

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