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polysemous ne demek?

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polysemous anlamı

"polysemous" için örnek kullanımlar

Charles Fillmore and Beryl Atkins' definition stipulates three elements: (i) the various senses of a polysemous word have a central origin
Kaynak: Polysemy
or jiao is a polysemous aquatic dragon in Chinese mythology . Edward H. Schafer describes the jiao. Spiritually akin to the crocodile,
Kaynak: Jiaolong
Kui (c 夔 | p kuí | w k'uei) is a polysemous figure in ancient Chinese mythology . Classic texts use this name for the legendary musician
Kaynak: Kui (Chinese mythology)
units (a pairing of a word with a meaning ; polysemous words are represented by several lexical units) and over 190,000 example sentences.
Kaynak: FrameNet
Pono is a notably polysemous term. Mary Kawena Pukui 's and Samuel Hoyt Elbert 's Hawaiian dictionary gives six meanings and 83 English
Kaynak: Pono
intermediate stages it may be expected that a form will be polysemous, and that one or more of its meaning will reflect a dominant earlier meaning
Kaynak: Persistence (linguistics)
described by viability constraints, a word encompassing polysemous concepts as emph stability, confinement, homeostasis, adaptation, etc.,
Kaynak: Viability theory
For the 200 most-polysemous terms in English, the typical verb has more than twelve common meanings, or senses. The typical noun from this
Kaynak: Concept Search
It follows the lexical-sample variant of the Classic WSD task, restricted to only 20 polysemous nouns. Areas of evaluation: The major tasks in
Kaynak: SemEval
Some of their early work in the 1960s dealt with linguistically oriented topics such as polysemous language , and the nature of synecdoche
Kaynak: Groupe µ
Gigerenzer argues that some of the terminology used have polysemous meanings, the alternatives of which he claimed were more "natural".
Kaynak: Conjunction fallacy
last François | first Alexandre | author-link | contribution Semantic maps and the typology of colexification: Intertwining polysemous
Kaynak: Spirit
The embedded meaning of the term polysemy is that the polysemous word's meanings have multiplied over time (in the sense of its original
Kaynak: Essentially contested concept
Unlike the Multilingual WSD tasks, instead of providing manually sense-annotated examples for each sense of a polysemous noun, the sense
Kaynak: Word-sense disambiguation
decomposition on the document-term matrix) can improve search results by disambiguating polysemous words and searching for synonym s of the query.
Kaynak: Document-term matrix
Words that have multiple meanings (called polysemous words) are often untranslatable, especially with all their connotations.
Kaynak: Semantic field
body speak; through her expansive use of sound, the Baroness conveys the fluidity of gender as a constantly changing, polysemous signifier.”
Kaynak: Sound poetry
As a polysemous noun, the character originally means a honour title or compliment for woman in ancient Chinese literature but it can
Kaynak: Ji (surname)

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