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potty ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

potty anlamı
1) lazımlık
2) oturak
1) deli
2) basit
3) çatlak
4) önemsiz

"potty" için örnek kullanımlar

Must be 3 years old by June 1, 2013 to enroll and must be potty trained.
Kayıt 1 Haziran, 2013 3 yaşında olmalı ve lazımlık eğitimli olmalıdır.
Kaynak: kirkwood.patch.com
Rewarding my son Liam with them is what clinched potty training for him.
Onlarla oğlum Liam ödüllendiriyoruz onun için lazımlık eğitimi perçinledi budur.
Kaynak: boston.com
"We had to go to the apartment downstairs to potty," Robillard said.
"Biz LAZIMLIK daire alt katta gitmek zorunda kaldı," Robillard dedi.
Kaynak: host.madison.com
He is potty trained and would make a great addition to a quiet home.
O lazımlık eğitimli ve sakin bir ev için harika bir ek yapmak istiyorum.
Kaynak: milforddailynews.com
a gazunder (likely a contraction of "goes under"), a piss pot, a potty, or a thunder pot) is a bowl-shaped container with a handle, and
Kaynak: Chamber pot
The squat toilet (also called “squatter” or “squatty-potty”) consists of a hole in the ground. However, common modern versions flush like
Kaynak: Toilet
Potty chairs are proportionately small chairs or enclosures with an opening for seating very young children to "go potty." It is a
Kaynak: Potty chair
Toilet training, or potty training, is the process of training a young child to use the toilet for urination and defecation , though
Kaynak: Toilet training
Once Upon a Potty is a children's book by Alona Frankel that is aimed to help potty training . Its original version was published in
Kaynak: Once Upon a Potty
Charlie when Charlie's parents have a pink square and a yellow star puppet and are performing a potty training show on a fake television set.
Kaynak: List of SpongeBob SquarePants characters

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