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premises ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

premises anlamı
1) mülk
2) arazi
3) yer
4) çevre
5) taşınmaz mülk
6) ana maddeler

"premises" için örnek kullanımlar

As an extra precaution, all medications on the premises are kept locked up.
Ekstra bir önlem olarak, tesislerinde tüm ilaçlar kilitli tutulur.
Kaynak: prnewswire.com
Last night hip hop star Drake was also seen visiting the premises.
Dün gece hip hop yıldızı Drake de tesislerinde ziyaret görüldü.
Kaynak: wetpaint.com
It is time to stop the SCE's restart plan because it is based on faulty premises.
Bu hatalı kabule dayanmaktadır çünkü SCE'nin başlatma planını durdurmak için zamanı.
Kaynak: utsandiego.com
Having outgrown its original premises, Glo recently moved to a new building in Sandyford.
Özgün tesislerinde geçmek olması, Glo son Sandyford yeni binasına taşınmıştır.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
More complex arguments can use a series of rules to connect several premises to one conclusion, or to derive a number of conclusions from
Kaynak: Premise
Most premises can be expressed very simply, and many films can be identified simply from a short sentence describing the premise.
Kaynak: Premise (filmmaking)
Customer-premises equipment or customer-provided equipment (CPE) is any terminal and associated equipment located at a subscriber's
Kaynak: Customer-premises equipment
In telecommunication , on-premises wiring is customer-owned communications transmission lines. It is also called customer premises
Kaynak: On-premises wiring
On-premises software (often abbreviated as on-prem software, and also called “on-premise” software) is installed and run on computers on
Kaynak: On-premises software
The fallacy of exclusive premises is a syllogistic fallacy committed in a categorical syllogism that is invalid because both of its
Kaynak: Fallacy of exclusive premises
A servient estate (or servient premises or servient tenement) is contrasted with a dominant estate (or dominant premises). These terms
Kaynak: Servient estate
Negative conclusion from affirmative premises is a syllogistic fallacy committed when a categorical syllogism has a negative conclusion
Kaynak: Negative conclusion from affirmative premises
In informal logic , an inference objection is an objection to an argument based not on any of its stated premises, but rather on the
Kaynak: Inference objection

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