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prickly ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prickly anlamı
1) dikenli
2) huysuz
3) iğne gibi batan
4) karıncalanan
5) asabi
6) çabuk sinirlenen

"prickly" için örnek kullanımlar

Natural minerals are usually very hard and prickly, as fragile as porcelain.
Doğal mineral porselen gibi kırılgan, genellikle çok sert ve dikenli vardır.
Kaynak: rdmag.com
To the media and public, he can appear a prickly and unlovable figure.
Medya ve halk için, o dikenli ve sevimsiz rakam görünebilir.
Kaynak: sportsnewsfirst.com.au
Shaq and Manning are infinitely more likeable than the prickly Woods.
Shaq ve Manning dikenli Woods daha sonsuz daha sempatik vardır.
Kaynak: autonews.com
Pressed about how she prepares for such a role, Mara grows prickly.
O böyle bir rol için hazırlar nasıl Sıkıştırılmış, Mara dikenli büyür.
Kaynak: gulfnews.com
It contains 30 to 32 species, commonly known as prickly poppies that are native to the Americas and Hawaii . The generic name originated
Kaynak: Argemone
Currently, only prickly pears are included in this genus of about 200 species distributed throughout most of the Americas .
Kaynak: Opuntia
Prickly pear may refer to: Opuntia , a genus of cacti producing a fruit known as the prickly pear. Prickly Pear (British Virgin Islands), the
Kaynak: Prickly pear
The prickly shark (Echinorhinus cookei) is one of the two species of shark s in the family Echinorhinidae (the other is the bramble
Kaynak: Prickly shark
The prickly dogfish (Oxynotus bruniensis) is a poorly known species of dogfish shark in the family Oxynotidae , inhabiting temperate
Kaynak: Prickly dogfish
Rosa acicularis, also known as the prickly wild rose, the prickly rose, the bristly rose and the Arctic rose, is a species of wild rose
Kaynak: Rosa acicularis
kali), commonly known as prickly saltwort, or prickly glasswort, is an annual plant that grows in salty sandy coastal soils.
Kaynak: Kali turgida
The prickly toadfish, Contusus richei, is a pufferfish of the family Tetraodontidae , found in the eastern Indian Ocean and the
Kaynak: Prickly toadfish
The prickly anglerfish, Himantolophus appelii, is a footballfish of the family Himantolophidae , found around the world in the southern
Kaynak: Prickly anglerfish

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