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primacy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

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primacy anlamı
1) öncelik
2) üstünlük
3) başpiskoposluk

"primacy" için örnek kullanımlar

The primacy for accountability at Stafford hospital was that particular hospital.
Stafford hastanede hesap önceliği söz konusu hastane oldu.
Kaynak: politics.co.uk
A couple attending a fair remark on the primacy of whites.
Beyazların üstünlüğü adil bir açıklama katılıyor bir çift.
Kaynak: herocomplex.latimes.com
To do that the Reserve Bank Act must be overhauled and the primacy given to inflation removed.
Merkez Bankası Kanunu elden ve önceliğine kaldırıldı enflasyon verilmesi gerektiğini yapmak için.
Kaynak: scoop.co.nz
Even as it lost the lead in market cap, Apple may also have lost its primacy in generating buzz.
Bu piyasa değeri liderini kaybetti bile, Apple da vızıltı üreten kendi önceliğini kaybetmiş olabilir.
Kaynak: readwrite.com
The primacy of the Bishop of Rome is an ecclesiastical doctrine concerning the respect and authority that is due to the Bishop of Rome
Kaynak: Primacy of the Bishop of Rome
divine right that the blessed Peter has perpetual successors in the primacy over the universal Church, or that the Roman Pontiff is not the
Kaynak: Pope
The Primacy of the Archdiocese of Toledo is the primacy of the Diocese (later Archdiocese) of Toledo over the other episcopal sees in the
Kaynak: Primacy of the Diocese of Toledo
Along with primacy over the Archbishop of York , the Archbishop of Canterbury also has a precedence of honour over the other bishops of the
Kaynak: Archbishop of Canterbury
Within the Church of England , the primacy of Canterbury or primacy of England is the supremacy of the Archbishop of Canterbury (as Primate
Kaynak: Primacy of Canterbury
Among earlier list items, the first few items are recalled more frequently than the middle items (the primacy effect. for the primacy effect
Kaynak: Serial position effect
The primacy is attached to the global Benedictine Confederation whose Primate resides at Sant'Anselmo in Rome . He takes precedence of
Kaynak: Primate (bishop)
A belief in the primacy of mind is a ubiquitous element in the history of ideas. In this view the mind or soul is not only primary as an
Kaynak: Primacy of mind
The main point of the dispute was over whether Canterbury would have jurisdiction, or primacy , over York. A number of archbishops of
Kaynak: Canterbury–York dispute
convened and presided over a synod of 60 African and Eastern bishops and his rival, the antipope Novatian , claimed to have "assumed the primacy
Kaynak: Papal supremacy
Shareholder primacy is a theory in corporate governance holding that shareholder interests should be assigned first priority.
Kaynak: Shareholder primacy
In urban studies , urban primacy indicates the largest city in a country. Such a city is called a primate city . urban primacy can be
Kaynak: Urban primacy
Law of primacy may refer to: In advertising, the law of primacy in persuasion first described by Frederick Hansen Lund in 1925
Kaynak: Law of primacy
"Aramaic primacy": language , also use the term "Aramaic primacy" though this is not used in academic sources, and appears to be a recent neologism .
Kaynak: Aramaic New Testament

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