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proceedings ne demek?

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proceedings anlamı
1) takibat
2) kovuşturma
3) tutanaklar
4) dava işlemleri

"proceedings" için örnek kullanımlar

Why would we do that when we are at such a delicate stage in proceedings?
Biz davaya böyle hassas bir aşamada zaman niye yapıyoruz ki?
Kaynak: coventrytelegraph.net
4 minIt's been a relatively even start to proceedings here at Goodison.
4 Minit nispeten bile Goodison burada işlemlere başlamak oldu.
Kaynak: sportsmole.co.uk
The BDC purchased the property during RG Steel bankruptcy proceedings.
BDC RG Steel iflas işlemleri sırasında mülk satın aldı.
Kaynak: theintelligencer.net
Wayne Barnes whistles and Italy's Luciano Orquera starts proceedings.
Wayne Barnes düdükler ve İtalya'nın Luciano Orquera işlemleri başlar.
Kaynak: telegraph.co.uk
In academia, proceedings are the collection of academic paper s published in the context of an academic conference . They are usually
Kaynak: Proceedings
Two unnamed women were executed in Posnan , Poland, in 1793, in proceedings of dubious legitimacy. Anna Göldi was executed in Glarus ,
Kaynak: Witch-hunt
The Proceedings of the British Academy is a peer-reviewed academic journal . The publication consists of conference proceedings and
Kaynak: Proceedings of the British Academy
Legal proceedings may refer to: Legal process Trial (law): Lawsuit , a civil trial. Criminal trial Hearing (law) Administrative hearing
Kaynak: Legal proceedings
example, they impose specific time limitations upon the parties that may either hasten or (more frequently) slow down the pace of proceedings.
Kaynak: Procedural law
It felt that such an instance would involve a marginal case of contempt that might not merit the initiation of contempt proceedings in the
Kaynak: Shadrake v. Attorney-General
A stay of proceedings is a ruling by the court in civil and criminal procedure , halting further legal process in a trial The court can
Kaynak: Stay of proceedings
Removal proceedings are administrative proceeding s to determine an individual's removability under United States immigration law .
Kaynak: Removal proceedings
Proceedings of SPIE is the conference record of the SPIE The first proceedings were published in 1963. Indexing and abstracting
Kaynak: Proceedings of SPIE
AIP Conference Proceedings is a series of scientific journal s published by the American Institute of Physics since 1970. the proceedings
Kaynak: AIP Conference Proceedings

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