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prolificacy ne demek?

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"prolificacy" için örnek kullanımlar

The rate needs to improve, as he is running out of excuses for his lack of prolificacy.
Oranı o döl onun eksikliği için bahaneler tükeniyor gibi, geliştirmek gerekiyor.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Such a prolificacy has inevitably fuelled the speculation connecting him with move to top Premier League clubs.
Böyle bir döl kaçınılmaz üst Premier Ligi kulüpleri hamle ile onu bağlayan spekülasyonlarını artırdı.
Kaynak: footballtop.com
The media have compared his prolificacy to superstars like Messi and Ronaldo, who have scored more than 30 goals this season.
Medya 30'dan fazla gol bu sezon attı Messi ve Ronaldo gibi superstars onun döl karşılaştırdık.
Kaynak: footballtop.com
His greatness is not confined to the prolificacy of his literary output. He has inspired and motivated a few generations of youth,
Kaynak: M. K. Sanu
More than vulgar representations of the phallus , phallic saints were benevolent symbols of prolificacy and reproductive fruitfulness, and
Kaynak: Phallic saints
Booroola's prolificacy was studied extensively by New Zealand researchers, who provided one of the first examples of the practical
Kaynak: Booroola Merino
They are bred for prolificacy, good mothering, quiet in nature, high milk yield and excellent for white wool . They are suited to both
Kaynak: Lleyn (sheep)
It is known for its extremely high prolificacy, and rams are used to sire high-performance crossbred daughters. The quality of its carcase
Kaynak: British Milk (sheep)
Herrnstein's research focused first on natural concepts and human intelligence in the 1970s, and peaked in prolificacy with the
Kaynak: Richard Herrnstein
The original breeding stock were taken from the Finnsheep for their high prolificacy, early puberty and short gestation, Dorset for their
Kaynak: Polypay (sheep)
A breed which ha s all the virtues save one, that of prolificacy… will thrive happily at extraordinary densities and seems to enjoy it A
Kaynak: Romney (sheep)
Moreover, mean prolificacy was 2.1±0.3 and the mean BW of lambs at birth was 3.5, 3.9 and 4.6, for triplets, twins and single lambs,
Kaynak: Chios (sheep)
Krishnananda's approach to yoga was ultimately that of the integral Yoga of Synthesis, but due to his prolificacy as a theologian and
Kaynak: Krishnananda Saraswati
the economic measure | the index of scientific prolificacy | H-index date April 2009 The Herfindahl index (also known as Herfindahl–
Kaynak: Herfindahl index
Future Clouds and Radar would seem to be inspired by The Flaming Lips or Guided By Voices , whose prolificacy Harrison emulates
Kaynak: Future Clouds and Radar
Average prolificacy: Yearling ewe - 200% Mature ewes - 250% Twin lambs will average 13 pounds each at birth with a growth rate that enables
Kaynak: Wensleydale (sheep)
This was a period of prolificacy for Abing, and his most famous composition, Erquan Yingyue, was performed in this period. After the
Kaynak: Abing
Its growth and prolificacy Works of the Astrakhan Ichthyological Laboratory 3(2):1-127 (Original not seen, information obtained from
Kaynak: Identification of aging in fish
It is downloadable in its entirety from his website Paste Magazine described it as "a streetfight of freakish prolificacy." He received a
Kaynak: Paleo
During the mid-90s, in addition to GbV albums appearing annually, Pollard's prolificacy typically was vented onto innumerable singles, EPs
Kaynak: Robert Pollard
has also been suggested as a strategy, where one breeding line is selected for prolificacy and the other is selected for "parental performance
Kaynak: Pigeon keeping
where one breeding line is selected for prolificacy and the other for "parental performance which, according to Aggrey and Cheng, is "
Kaynak: Squab (food)

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