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prophet ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prophet anlamı
1) peygamber
2) resul
3) kâhin

"prophet" için örnek kullanımlar

Her final scene, singing to the severed head of the prophet, was effective.
Onun son sahnesinde, peygamberin kopmuş baş şarkı, etkili oldu.
Kaynak: palmbeachdailynews.com
One reader shared a verse that was first expressed by a prophet named Micah.
Bir okuyucu ilk Micah adlı bir peygamber tarafından ifade edildi bir ayet paylaştı.
Kaynak: postbulletin.com
Was he positioning himself as a prophet or trying to ratchet up his app sales?
Onu bir peygamber olarak kendini konumlandırma ya da kilit kadar onun app satış çalışıyor muydu?
Kaynak: theverge.com
One of the verses we memorized back in Sunday School was from the prophet Amos.
Biz Pazar Okulu geri hafızaya âyetlerden birisi peygamber Amos oldu.
Kaynak: myrecordjournal.com
In religion , a prophet is an individual who is claimed to have been contacted by the supernatural or the divine , and to speak for them,
Kaynak: Prophet
He is believed by Muslim s and Bahá'í s to be a messenger and prophet of God and, by most Muslims, the last prophet sent by God for
Kaynak: Muhammad
Muslims believe that every prophet was given a belief to worship God and their respective followers believed it as well Each prophet, in
Kaynak: Prophets in Islam
Elías; Helias; Arabic :إلياس, Ilyās) was a famous prophet and a wonder-worker in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of
Kaynak: Elijah
Lit. "Moses our Teacher/Rabbi"), he is the most important prophet in Judaism and is also considered an important prophet in Christianity
Kaynak: Moses
was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem during the reign of king Zedekiah (approximately 600 BC Lehi was an Israelite of the Tribe of
Kaynak: Lehi (Book of Mormon prophet)
In Judaism , Christianity , Islam and the Baha'i Faith , Ezekiel is acknowledged as a Hebrew prophet. In Judaism and Christianity , he
Kaynak: Ezekiel
50–54) Shortly before the advent of the prophet of Islam, Muhammad, Persia was under the sovereignty of Sasan V. When the companions of
Kaynak: Zoroaster
A prophet is a person who is believed to speak through divine inspiration. Prophet may also refer to: People named "Prophet": Chuck Prophet
Kaynak: Prophet (disambiguation)
A major prophet is a book in the Major Prophets section of the Christian Old Testament in the Bible . The term "major" refers to their
Kaynak: Major prophet
The Latter Prophets are divided into two groups, the Major prophet s (Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel) and the Twelve Minor Prophets (Hosea,
Kaynak: Nevi'im

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