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propriety ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

propriety anlamı
1) uygunluk
2) yerindelik
3) adetlere uyma

"propriety" için örnek kullanımlar

Yet on this day, all propriety and respectability was left at the gates.
Ancak bu gün, tüm dürüstlük ve saygınlık kapılarında kaldı.
Kaynak: sportsillustrated.cnn.com
The disconnect between propriety and reality keeps the miniseries on constant edge.
Yerindelik ve gerçeklik arasındaki ayırma sabiti kenarında mini dizi tutar.
Kaynak: detroitnews.com
A lady or gentleman lacking manners and propriety were doomed.
Görgü ve ahlak eksik bir bayan ya da beyefendi mahkum edildi.
Kaynak: newsandtribune.com
Tris Pharma president and CEO Ketan Mehta said, "Our propriety
Tris Pharma başkanı ve CEO'su Ketan Mehta, "Bizim yerindelik dedi
Kaynak: contractresearch.pharmaceutical-business-review.com
proper propriety. Proper may refer to: Proper (liturgy), the part of a Christian liturgy that is specific to the date within the Liturgical
Kaynak: Proper
In music, Rothenberg propriety denotes an important concept in the general theory of scales which was introduced by David Rothenberg in a
Kaynak: Rothenberg propriety
ritual propriety'), but it has also been translated as 'customs ', 'etiquette ', 'moral s', and 'rules of proper behavior', among other terms.
Kaynak: Li (Confucian)
The propriety of using Native American mascots and images in sports has been a topic of debate in the United States and Canada since the
Kaynak: Native American mascot controversy
Decency is the quality or state of conforming to social or moral standards of taste and propriety . See also : Communications Decency Act
Kaynak: Decency
The associated propriety is called tetramery. In chemistry, the term refers to a molecule made of four monomer s (for example kobophenol A
Kaynak: Tetramer
Larrikinism is the name given to the Australia n folk tradition of irreverence, mockery of authority and disregard for rigid norms of propriety.
Kaynak: Larrikinism
(TZL), known previously by various other names, is a company that develops and licenses propriety technologies. History: Pharmol Pacific Pty
Kaynak: TZ Limited
Élodie is a French forename that means "fleur des champs " in Greek and "propriety " in Latin . The name exists in other forms, spelled
Kaynak: Élodie (given name)
Ohio Business College is a two-year propriety, taxpaying institution owned by Tri-State Educational Systems, Inc. with corporate
Kaynak: Ohio Business College
htm Chateau Technical's propriety H.264 codec . They are usually found in security camera DVR s. There is an embedded timestamp that is
Kaynak: VGZ Video
The FluentQueryBuilder is a propriety .NET class developed in order to help with the construction and initialization of a Query instance.
Kaynak: FluentQueryBuilder
Part I: Of the propriety of action: Part one of the Theory of Moral Sentiments consists of three sections: Section 1: Of the sense of propriety
Kaynak: The Theory of Moral Sentiments
Shakespeare or Honoré de Balzac , whose busts can be found in the door of the propriety and to whom he dedicated several fountains and rotundas.
Kaynak: Fontana Rosa
plays were considered scandalous to many of his era, when European theatre was required to model strict morals of family life and propriety.
Kaynak: Henrik Ibsen
necessary for convenience, construction, or propriety" and "all ornament should consist of enrichment of the essential construction of the building
Kaynak: Functionalism (architecture)
Traversing an immense range of knowledge, the novel transgresses boundaries between high and low culture, between literary propriety and
Kaynak: Gravity's Rainbow
Rites of Zhou and the Book of Rites , formed the "Three Rites" which guided traditional Confucian understandings of propriety and behavior.
Kaynak: Etiquette and Ceremonial

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