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prosecutor ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

prosecutor anlamı
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"prosecutor" için örnek kullanımlar

The prosecutor said this was the first such prosecution in state history.
Savcı bu devletin tarihinde ilk böyle kovuşturma olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: desmoinesregister.com
The original judge refused to reopen the case, supported by the prosecutor.
Orijinal yargıç savcı tarafından desteklenen, davayı yeniden reddetti.
Kaynak: omaha.com
Thornton would play the special prosecutor brought in to try Duvall's character.
Thornton Duvall karakter denemek için getirilen özel savcı oynayacaktı.
Kaynak: variety.com
I'm a former FBI agent and prosecutor, and the absence of subpoena power is huge.
Ben eski bir FBI ajanı ve savcı değilim ve celbi gücün yokluğu çok büyük.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
The prosecutor is the chief legal representative of the prosecution in countries with either the common law adversarial system , or the
Kaynak: Prosecutor
Attorney (CADA), or First Assistant District Attorney is a title given the senior-most manager in a prosecutor's office under the district attorney.
Kaynak: District attorney
Crown Attorneys or Crown Counsel (or, in Alberta , Crown Prosecutors are the prosecutors in the legal system of Canada . as prosecutor in
Kaynak: Crown attorney
The Staatsanwaltschaft or public prosecutor's offices are criminal justice bodies attached to the judiciary but separate from the courts
Kaynak: Prosecutors Office
The Supreme Prosecutors' Office of the Republic of Korea(SPO) is a governmental prosecutor organization in South Korea and is run under
Kaynak: Supreme Prosecutors' Office of the Republic of Korea
Crown Prosecutors are the public prosecutor s in the legal system of Australia Crown Prosecutors represent the Crown in right of the
Kaynak: Crown Prosecutor (Australia)
The scope of the inquiry is limited by the mandate given by the prosecutor's office: the examining judge cannot open a criminal
Kaynak: Inquisitorial system
A special prosecutor generally is a lawyer from outside the government appointed by an attorney general or, in the United States, by
Kaynak: Special prosecutor
The prosecutor's fallacy is a fallacy of statistical reasoning made in law. In this fallacy, the context in which the accused has been
Kaynak: Prosecutor's fallacy
The Crown Prosecutor is the title given in a number of jurisdictions to the state prosecutor , the legal party responsible for presenting
Kaynak: Crown Prosecutor
In the judicial system of New Zealand , a police prosecutor is a lawyer employed by the police to present cases in district court , as
Kaynak: Police prosecutor

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