That's a lot of scratch for a guy who isn't your prototypical "can't miss"
Bu senin prototipik "miss olamaz" umudu olmayan bir adam için sıfırdan bir sürü var.
Kaynak: kan.scout.comEarlier this week, the Los Angeles Kings called up their top
prospect, Tyler Toffoli.
Bu haftanın başlarında, Los Angeles Kings onların üst umudu, Tyler Toffoli çağırdı.
Kaynak: rantsports.comIt's nice to be excited about a pitching
prospect again.
Yine bir pitching olasılığı hakkında heyecanlı olması güzel.
Kaynak: overthemonster.comJoeckel is the draft's best offensive line
Joeckel Taslak en iyi hücum hattı umudu.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.comwith the appropriate placards on all four corners of a desired land they wish to
prospect and register this claim before they may take samples.
Kaynak: ProspectingIn sports, a
prospect is any player whose rights are owned by a professional team, but who has yet to play a game for the team, or isn't
Kaynak: Prospect (sports)Elements of a petroleum
prospect: Image:Mudlogging. JPG | Mud log in process, a common way to study the rock types when drilling oil wells.
Kaynak: Hydrocarbon exploration