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protractor ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

protractor anlamı
1) iletki
2) açıölçer
3) uzatıcı kas

"protractor" için örnek kullanımlar

A protractor is a square, circular or semicircular tool, typically made of transparent plastic, for measuring angle s. Most protractors
Kaynak: Protractor
The M. protractor pterygoidei et quadrati is a cranial muscle which pulls the streptostylic quadrate dorsorostrally in bird s.
Kaynak: Muscle protractor pterygoidei et quadrati
Many modern compasses incorporate a baseplate and protractor tool, and are referred to variously as "orienteering ", "baseplate", "map
Kaynak: Compass
technical drawing , consisting of a pair of scales mounted to form a right angle on an articulated protractor head that allows an angular rotation
Kaynak: Drafting machine
More commonly the set square bears the markings of a ruler and a half circle protractor . The outer edges are typically bevel led.
Kaynak: Set square
He was a pioneer writer in English in several areas, and inventor of a standard classroom geometrical instrument, the protractor .
Kaynak: Thomas Blundeville
Different drawing instruments (set square , protractor , etc.) are used on it to draw parallel, perpendicular or oblique lines.
Kaynak: Drawing board
Most instruments are used within the field of geometry , including the ruler , dividers , protractor , set square , compass, ellipsograph
Kaynak: Mathematical instrument
Kjellström, and Björn Kjellström - invented the hugely popular orienteering or protractor compass used around the world for outdoors navigation.
Kaynak: Silva compass
These postulates are all based on basic geometry that can be confirmed experimentally with a scale and protractor . Since the postulates
Kaynak: Birkhoff's axioms
an existing angle, or set to a desired angle by using it with any number of other measuring tools (such as a protractor , or framing square
Kaynak: Sliding T bevel
If fitted with protractor s, it could be used to measure angles . Use: Greek astronomers used the dioptra to measure the positions of stars
Kaynak: Dioptra
The term may be used to include not only stationery , but such items as pocket calculator s, compasses and protractor s, lunchbox es, and
Kaynak: School supplies
used in surveying which consists of a fixed sighting tube, a movable spirit level that is connected to a pointing arm, and a protractor scale.
Kaynak: Topographic Abney Level
A rolling ruler can draw straight, parallel lines, and also has other instruments included, enabling it to do the jobs of a protractor
Kaynak: Rolling ruler

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