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prune ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

prune anlamı
1) budamak
2) kesmek
3) kısaltmak
4) muaf tutmak
5) istisna etmek
1) kuru erik
2) budala
3) ahmak

"prune" için örnek kullanımlar

"A plum for 'Project Plum' doesn't have to be a prune for everybody else."
"'Projesi Erik' A erik herkes için bir erik olmak zorunda değildir."
Kaynak: the-dispatch.com
Wait to prune apricots until summer; otherwise disease may enter the wounds.
Yaza kadar kayısı budamak için bekleyin, aksi halde hastalığın yaraları girebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: redding.com
Answer: Fruit trees are pruned during the dormant season, so prune them now.
Cevap: Meyve ağaçları uykuda sezonunda denetleniyor, böylece onları şimdi budamak.
Kaynak: journalnow.com
A coupon at the dollar store, a bran muffin with a prune juice chaser.
Dolar mağazasında bir kupon, bir erik suyu chaser ile kepekli kek.
Kaynak: theday.com
A prune is any of various plum cultivar s, mostly Prunus domestica or European Plum, sold as fresh or dried fruit . The dried fruit is
Kaynak: Prune
Dried plum fruits are called dried plums or prunes, although prune s are a distinct type of plum, and may have antedated the fruits now
Kaynak: Plum
Reasons to prune plants include deadwood removal, shaping (by controlling or directing growth), improving or maintaining health, reducing
Kaynak: Pruning
Persian plum (prune): title Persian Plum | textcolor white | hex 701C1C | r 112 | g 28 | b 28 | c 0 | m 75 | y 75 | k 56 | h 0 | s 75 | v 44
Kaynak: Plum (color)
Prune dwarf virus (PDV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Bromoviridae . It causes dwarfism of leaves on certain prune and plum
Kaynak: Prune dwarf virus
A prune is a dried fruit of various plum species. Prune may also refer to: Pruning , the practice of removing undesired portions from a
Kaynak: Prune (disambiguation)
In physical simulation s, sweep and prune is a broad phase algorithm used during collision detection to limit the number of pairs of
Kaynak: Sweep and prune
The mirabelle plum, also known as the mirabelle prune (Prunus domestica subsp. drupaceous fruit of the mirabelle prune tree , a cultivar
Kaynak: Mirabelle plum
Virgin prune kernel oil is a recently developed vegetable oil , pressed from the seeds, or stones, of the d'Agen prune plum .
Kaynak: Prune kernel oil

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