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pupil ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pupil anlamı
1) öğrenci
2) gözbebeği
3) stajyer
4) çırak
5) öğrenci öğretmen
6) vesayet Altındaki çocuk

"pupil" için örnek kullanımlar

Another lasting effect from that night is that his pupil is permanently dilated.
O gece bir başka kalıcı etkisi onun öğrencisi kalıcı dilate olmasıdır.
Kaynak: sports.nationalpost.com
Tsang is a former pupil of the Catholic boys' school in Kowloon.
Tsang Kowloon Katolik erkek okulu eski bir öğrencisi olduğunu.
Kaynak: scmp.com
But they've been learning their lessons, and Lloyds seems to have been a diligent pupil.
Ama onların dersleri öğrenme oldum ve Lloyds çalışkan bir öğrenci olmuş gibi görünmektedir.
Kaynak: fool.com
The pupil is a hole located in the center of the iris of the eye that allows light to enter the retina It appears black because light
Kaynak: Pupil
while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a pupil in English (or an equivalent in other languages), although in the United
Kaynak: Student
In an optical system, the entrance pupil is the optical image of the physical aperture stop , as 'seen' through the front of the lens
Kaynak: Entrance pupil
In optics , the exit pupil is a virtual aperture in an optical system. Only rays which pass through this virtual aperture can exit the
Kaynak: Exit pupil
Argyll Robertson pupils (“AR pupils” or "Prostitute's Pupil") are bilateral small pupil s that constrict when the patient focuses on a
Kaynak: Argyll Robertson pupil
A pupil master ('pupilmaster' or 'pupil-master') or in the case of a female barrister, 'pupil mistress' etc., barrister who a pupil shadows
Kaynak: Pupil master
is a dilation of the pupil , usually defined as when having a non-physiological cause. but sometimes defined as potentially being a
Kaynak: Mydriasis
Pupillary response is a physiological response that varies the size of the pupil , either resulting in constriction (miosis or dilation
Kaynak: Pupillary response
Marcus Gunn pupil or relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) is a medical sign observed during the swinging-flashlight test whereupon
Kaynak: Marcus Gunn pupil
The pupil magnification of an optical system is the ratio of the diameter of the exit pupil to the diameter of the entrance pupil .
Kaynak: Pupil magnification
The eye is made up of the sclera , the iris , and the pupil , a black hole located at the center of the eye with the main function of
Kaynak: Tadpole pupil
Hutchinson's pupil is a clinical sign in which the pupil on the side of an intracranial mass lesion is dilated and unreactive to light,
Kaynak: Hutchinson's pupil

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