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pursuance ne demek?

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pursuance anlamı
1) takip
2) sürdürme
3) ifa
4) devam
5) yerine getirme
6) uygulama
7) yapma

"pursuance" için örnek kullanımlar

When he declined, the City Council approved pursuance of a court order to compel NABA to allow the city onto the site.
O reddedince, Kent Konseyi sitesi üzerine şehrin izin NABA zorlamak için bir mahkeme emri uyarınca onayladı.
Kaynak: thenewsherald.com
Federal Bank affirmation of unrelenting pursuance of QE3 and interest rates remaining at near 0% raised hopes of nearly 2.5% economic growth in Q1.
QE3 ve% 0'a yakındır kalan faiz oranlarının takibi amansız Federal Bankası olumlama Q1 yaklaşık% 2.5 ekonomik büyüme umuduyla kaldırdı.
Kaynak: steelprices-china.com
Investing his savings in pursuance of a dream where he envisioned a career eventually on the PGA Tour, Gangjee made the cut in 13 of the 24 events he played in 2011.
O PGA Tour sonunda bir kariyer hayal bir rüya uyarınca yaptığı tasarruf yatırım, Gangjee o 2011 yılında oynanan 24 olayların 13 kesim yapılır.
Kaynak: hindustantimes.com
In pursuance of the directives of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos to set up the Medical City, the Ministry of Health is preparing a field study for the main plan of the city.
Medical City kurmak için Majesteleri Sultan Qaboos direktifleri uyarınca, Sağlık Bakanlığı şehrin ana planı için bir saha çalışması hazırlıyor.
Kaynak: omanet.om
In pursuance of the Cabinet decision, the Academy transferred to Ministry of Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs with effect from
Kaynak: Iqbal Academy
Executive orders have the full force of law since issuances are typically made in pursuance of certain Acts of Congress , some of which
Kaynak: Executive order
in 1929 as a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 in pursuance of the report of the Royal Commission on Agriculture.
Kaynak: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Federal laws are valid and are supreme, so long as those laws were adopted in pursuance of—that is, consistent with—the Constitution.
Kaynak: Supremacy Clause
Consols of 1865, issued in pursuance of the authority conferred upon the Secretary of the Treasury by the Act of Congress approved March
Kaynak: Morgan v. United States (1885)
government department responsible for the supply of equipment to the armed forces of the United Kingdom and the pursuance of military activity.
Kaynak: War Department (United Kingdom)
the Bulgarian church in Constantinople in pursuance of the March 12 | 1870 | February 28 firman of Sultan Abdülaziz of the Ottoman Empire .
Kaynak: Bulgarian Exarchate
In pursuance of his policy of Hellenizing Syria, it bore the Macedon ian name of Pella. The fortress was placed upon a hill; the windings
Kaynak: Apamea, Syria
open-ended or vague, and therefore subject to abuse, or in which a party is willing to consider any expense in the pursuance of their goals.
Kaynak: Blank cheque
evaluation & research in such systems; and in pursuance of the objects of the University to encourage greater flexibility, diversity,
Kaynak: Distance Education Council
generation of electricity in pursuance of the schemes and programmes of the Government of India under the provision of the Atomic Energy Act 1962."
Kaynak: Nuclear Power Corporation of India
including the funding of science , often in pursuance of other national policy goals such as technological innovation to promote
Kaynak: Science policy
the Supremacy Clause of Article VI , the Constitution and federal laws adopted in pursuance thereof are the "supreme law of the land . . .
Kaynak: Nullification (U.S. Constitution)
reference to the Grand Divisions is in The Acts of Tennessee 1835-1836 Chapter 3, "An Act to establish a Supreme Court in pursuance of the 2nd sec.,
Kaynak: Grand Divisions of Tennessee
An act done in pursuance of an agreement or combination by two or more persons shall, if done in contemplation or furtherance of a trade
Kaynak: Trade Disputes Act 1906
After the independence , in pursuance of the Government's policy to discourage distinctions between communities based on race, the 1951
Kaynak: Historical definitions of races in India
The constitution of the United States of America, and the laws and treaties made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law of the
Kaynak: Constitution of West Virginia
His uncles, Allen, Michael, Noel, Dale aka Ahmad and trumpeter Jan Mahr aka, Rasul Siddik were most inspirational to his pursuance in
Kaynak: Ronnie Burrage
This was in pursuance of the Surrender and regrant policy of King Henry VIII of England . Under the policy, Gaelic chiefs were actively
Kaynak: Baron Upper Ossory
held back from normal use by governments, organisations, or businesses in pursuance of a particular strategy or to cope with unexpected events.
Kaynak: Strategic reserve

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