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putrid ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

putrid anlamı
1) kokuşmuş
2) çürük
3) kokmuş
4) iğrenç
5) bozuk
6) bozulmuş
7) leş gibi kokan
8) yozlaşmış
9) tiksindirici

"putrid" için örnek kullanımlar

They may stick with their three starters, but the depth here is borderline putrid.
Onlar üç başlayanlar ile sopa olabilir, ama burada derinliği sınırda çürük olduğunu.
Kaynak: thefalcoholic.com
But once again the Nets were done in by a putrid third quarter.
Ama bir kez daha Nets kokuşmuş bir üçüncü çeyreğinde yapılmıştır.
Kaynak: gothamist.com
That's good basketball, even if DePaul is putrid defensively.
Bu DePaul defans çürük olsa bile, iyi bir basketbol var.
Kaynak: blogs.mycentraljersey.com
The excreted components, which include gases and amine s such as putrescine and cadaverine , carry the putrid odor associated with a
Kaynak: Putrefaction
Epidemic typhus (also called "camp fever", "jail fever", "hospital fever", "ship fever", "famine fever", "putrid fever", "petechial fever
Kaynak: Epidemic typhus
French , literally "putrid pot") is a kind of musical form structured as ABCDEF..., the same as medley or, sometimes, fantasia .
Kaynak: Potpourri (music)
The party that killed him became putrid within the hour. That was a poet's miracle." became putrid in one hour; and this was a poet's miracle."
Kaynak: Cúán úa Lothcháin
However, reports of poisoning are rare due to its odd appearance and at times putrid smell minimising casual experimentation.
Kaynak: Boletus satanas
residents to the point where there were not enough people to bury the dead, allowing the exposed bodies to decompose, giving off a putrid smell.
Kaynak: Puvirnituq, Quebec
These outdoor arenas contrast with the putrid, indoor cave where Útgarða-Loki is said to dwell, when chained, in the Gesta Danorum .
Kaynak: Útgarðar
other hand, onions and garlic are regarded to be 'tamasic ', as they tend to have a quality of darkness, lethargy and indeed a putrid smell.
Kaynak: Jain vegetarianism
While the maggots of many fly species eat dead flesh, and may occasionally infest an old and putrid wound, screw-worm maggots are unusual
Kaynak: Cochliomyia hominivorax
Fermented fish preparations can be notable for their putrid smell. These days there are many other techniques of preserving fish, but fish
Kaynak: Fermented fish
The Colts were embarrassed at home in week two by the putrid Patriots , losing 16-14 for New England's lone win of 1990. Offseason NFL
Kaynak: 1990 Indianapolis Colts season
Husing was banned for referring to Harvard quarterback Barry Wood as putrid From 1946 to 1973, Egan worked for WBZ and WHDH radio, where
Kaynak: Leo Egan
In maturity it smells of putrid flesh. Habitat: It is found gregarious to clustered in moist, shaded meadows and deciduous or mixed forests
Kaynak: Clathrus archeri

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