Might it go briefly
quadrilingual, given that Manteiga and wife Angie are off to China, where he plans to write the column from afar?
O uzaklardan sütun yazmayı planladığını nerede Manteiga ve eşi Angie, Çin'e kapalı göz önüne alındığında, kısaca quadrilingual gidebilirim?
Kaynak: tampabay.comThe survey also found that 55 per cent of the users on social networking sites in GCC were bilingual, 20 per cent trilingual and 9 per cent
Ankette ayrıca GCC sosyal ağ sitelerinde kullanıcıların yüzde 55 yüzde 20 trilingual ve yüzde 9 quadrilingual, iki dilli olduğunu bulmuşlardır.
Kaynak: tradearabia.comIn his lifetime, Copernicus donned many hats, that of a mathematician, astronomer, jurist with a doctorate in law, physician,
quadrilingual polyglot, classics scholar, translator, artist, Catholic cleric, governor, diplomat and economist.
Onun ömrünü yılında Kopernik birçok şapka takmış, bir matematikçi, astronom, hukuk alanında doktora ile hukukçu, hekim, quadrilingual polyglot, klasikler akademisyen, çevirmen, sanatçı, Katolik din adamı, vali, diplomat ve ekonomist bu.
Kaynak: tech2.in.comOne of the great polymath s of the Renaissance, Copernicus was also a jurist with a doctorate in law, a physician ,
quadrilingualKaynak: Nicolaus CopernicusAs mayor he made the town
quadrilingual, recognizing Chipewyan and Cree as official languages. He is also a businessman, and has long been
Kaynak: Dennis BevingtonGiven that Switzerland is
quadrilingual, they needed a language-neutral name for their organisation. They invented the term
Kaynak: ChronometrophiliaPotken edited also the
quadrilingual Psalterium in quatuor linguis Hebraea Graeca Chaldaea Latina, which appeared in 1518, with Johann
Kaynak: Johannes PotkenHis
quadrilingual Filmografisch lexicon der wereldliteratuur (3 volumes, 1971, 1973 and 1978) developed from his association with the
Kaynak: Johan DaisneAll announcements in Inari , which is the only officially
quadrilingual municipality in Finland , must be made in Finnish , North Sami ,
Kaynak: Inari Sami languageStill under German occupation, the editor issued only 250 hand-made books A
quadrilingual new edition in French, English, Portuguese and
Kaynak: Anne-Marie Cazalis