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racism ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

racism anlamı
1) ırkçılık

"racism" için örnek kullanımlar

Europa League: William Gallas calls for ruling bodies to act on racism.
UEFA Avrupa Ligi: William Gallas organları ırkçılık üzerine hareket iktidar için çağırır.
Kaynak: independent.co.uk
The indie rock icon courts controversy with his outspoken views on racism and animal rights.
Irkçılık ve hayvan hakları ile ilgili nalına manzaralı indie rock ikonu mahkemeleri tartışmalara.
Kaynak: ibtimes.co.uk
It was Lazio's fourth racism offence this season.
Bu sezon Lazio dördüncü ırkçılık suçtu.
Kaynak: timesofmalta.com
Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States has been a major issue since the colonial era and the slave era . sanctioned racism
Kaynak: Racism and ethnic discrimination in the United States
Racism in Israel has been experienced by both Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews . and prohibits incitement to racism The Israeli government
Kaynak: Racism in Israel
Antiziganism or Anti-Romanyism or Anti-Gypsyism is hostility, prejudice or racism directed at the Romani people , also known as Gypsies.
Kaynak: Antiziganism
Ukraine is a multi-ethnic and multicultural nation date December 2010 where racism and ethnic discrimination are arguably largely a fringe
Kaynak: Racism and discrimination in Ukraine
That ideology was a form of racism, as in the past there were no grades of Christianity and a convert had equal standing. Cleanliness of
Kaynak: Racial antisemitism
As public awareness of racism has increased, racial and ethnic jokes have become increasingly socially unacceptable in recent years, and
Kaynak: Ethnic joke
In so doing, they imparted elements of racism to hispanophobia. In the account given by Tony Horwitz , "w hen 19th-century jingoists
Kaynak: Hispanophobia
Scientific racism is the use of pseudoscientific techniques and hypotheses to support or justify the belief in racism , racial inferiority
Kaynak: Scientific racism
Anti-racism includes beliefs, actions, movements, and policies adopted or developed to oppose racism . In general, anti-racism is intended
Kaynak: Anti-racism
Institutional racism describes any kind of system of inequality based on race. It can occur in institutions such as public government
Kaynak: Institutional racism
Environmental racism refers to the geographic relationships between environmental degradation and low – income or minority communities
Kaynak: Environmental racism
Symbolic Racism (modern-symbolic racism, symbolic prejudice) is a theorized set of beliefs in which the subject covertly or unconsciously
Kaynak: Symbolic racism

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