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radium ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

radium anlamı
1) radyum

"radium" için örnek kullanımlar

ve. The radioactivity is caused by radium, which is present in the Marcellus Shale.
patlıyorum. Radyoaktivite Marcellus Shale mevcut radyum, neden olur.
Kaynak: tribune-democrat.com
How radium destroyed lives in the name of medical innovation.
Radyum tıbbi yenilik adına hayatını yıkıma uğrattık.
Kaynak: mddionline.com
It is briny and often laced with metals, including radium, that occur naturally deep underground.
Bu doğal olarak derin yeraltı oluşabilir radyum gibi metaller, ile tuzlu ve çoğunlukla bağcıklı.
Kaynak: dispatch.com
In the process, uranium, radium and other contaminants will be left floating behind in the aquifer.
Bu süreç içinde, uranyum, radyum ve diğer kirleticiler akifer geride yüzen kalacaktır.
Kaynak: southernstudies.org
Radium (Ra) has no stable or nearly stable isotope s, and thus a standard atomic mass cannot be given. isotope of radium is 226 Ra with
Kaynak: Isotopes of radium
Radium bromide is the bromide salt of radium , with the formula RaBr 2. It is produced during the separation of radium from uranium ore
Kaynak: Radium bromide
Radium chloride (RaCl 2) is a chemical compound of radium and chlorine , and the first radium compound isolated in a pure state. Marie
Kaynak: Radium chloride
Radium jaw is an occupational disease brought on by the ingestion and subsequent absorption of radium into the bones of radium dial
Kaynak: Radium jaw
Radium dials are watch , clock and other instrument dial s painted with radioluminescent paint containing radium . peak of radium dial
Kaynak: Radium dials

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