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rapprochement ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

rapprochement anlamı
1) uzlaşma
2) barışma
3) yeniden dost olma

"rapprochement" için örnek kullanımlar

Je pense sincèrement que ce rapprochement est une très bonne idée.
Je pense sincèrement que ce yakınlaşma est une très bonne idée.
Kaynak: endurance-info.com
Novruz contributes to rapprochement of peoples of the region.
Nevruz bölge halklarının yakınlaşmasına katkıda bulunur.
Kaynak: en.trend.az
Je constate un certain rapprochement entre la Russie et la France sur la question syrienne.
Je constate un belli bir yakınlaşma entre la Russie et la France sur la soru syrienne.
Kaynak: larussiedaujourdhui.fr
While I empathize with all of these responses, I think the time has come for a rapprochement.
Ben bu tepkilerin hepsi ile empati, ben zaman bir yakınlaşma için geldi düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: qz.com
In international relations , a rapprochement, which comes from the French word rapprocher ("to bring together"), is a re-establishment of
Kaynak: Rapprochement
year 2000 issue 1 | pages 8–14 | pmid 10636118 Most of this work argues for a rapprochement of neurology and psychiatry, forming a
Kaynak: Neuropsychiatry
Turco-Calvinism refers to the alliance or rapprochement between the Protestant Reformation and the Ottoman Empire during the 16th century
Kaynak: Turco-Calvinism
The Davos process was the name given to the process of reconciliation, rapprochement between Greece and Turkey , conducted in 1988 between
Kaynak: Davos process
Influenced by Egon Bahr , who proposed "change through rapprochement " in a 1963 speech, the policies were implemented beginning with
Kaynak: Ostpolitik
Relations became more conflictual in the early modern and modern periods, although recent attempts have been made at rapprochement .
Kaynak: Protestantism and Islam
This led to a rapprochement and, eventually, a political and military alliance that included Italy: the "Axis ". During the Second World
Kaynak: Germany–Japan relations
Post-war commentary regarding the timing of Soviet-German rapprochement: historians have argued about the start of Soviet-German rapprochement.
Kaynak: Soviet–German relations before 1941
Doctrine catches up with practice: rapprochement and fusion of nations: date November 2012 The promotion of federalism and of non-Russian
Kaynak: Russification
1955–1961 period as a result of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev 's rapprochement with Yugoslavia along with his "Secret Speech " and
Kaynak: Soviet–Albanian split
Isabella's motive for giving the tiara is not publicly recorded, but it may have been an attempt at a rapprochement between the Roman
Kaynak: Spanish Tiara
It places particular emphasis on rapprochement with the Turkish Cypriots . It supported entry into the European Union with certain
Kaynak: Progressive Party of Working People

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