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rarefy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

rarefy anlamı
1) seyreltmek
2) arıtmak
3) seyrelmek

"rarefy" için örnek kullanımlar

Once evolutionary effects rarefy and disperse this cloud,the star becomes visible as a pre-main-sequence object. The set of locations on
Kaynak: Stellar birthline
Such treatments were also believed to rarefy the humours , rendering them easy to be carried off by the pores. To the class of aræotics
Kaynak: Aræotic
Lindsay began to rarefy his singing voice and launched a solo career which was significantly more oriented toward his Brazilian roots,
Kaynak: Arto Lindsay
Once the bakers of medieval times (15th century) mastered the art of baking bread, some started to rarefy the dough with honey, dried
Kaynak: Konditorei
Then lower the body of the tongue to rarefy the air above it. The closure at the front of the tongue is opened first, as the click "
Kaynak: Airstream mechanism
R rarefy rarity rascal rasp rastaquouère ratafia ratatouille ratchet rate ratification ratify ration rationalisation rationalism
Kaynak: List of English words of French origin (J-R)
"If you can rarefy your earth soul and dispatch the three corpses,Afterward you will certainly have an audience with me at the Celestial
Kaynak: Xi Wangmu
The steam will alternately compress and rarefy in the bell, creating the sound. The pitch , or tone, is dependent on the length of the
Kaynak: Steam whistle

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