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reaffirm ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reaffirm anlamı
1) yeniden onaylamak
2) tekrar doğrulamak
3) tekrar iddia etmek

"reaffirm" için örnek kullanımlar

Didn't the Kolkata Test match of 2001 reaffirm this to the Australians?
2001 Kolkata Test maç Avustralyalılar için bu teyit değil mi?
Kaynak: mid-day.com
Sunshine Week offers a golden opportunity to reaffirm the public's right to know.
Sunshine Hafta bilmek halkın hakkı teyit için altın bir fırsat sunuyor.
Kaynak: buffalonews.com
Football college bosses reaffirm their commitment to Burnley.
Futbol üniversite patronlar Burnley bağlılıklarını yinelediler.
Kaynak: lancashiretelegraph.co.uk
A wedding vow renewal ceremony is a ceremony in which a married couple renew or reaffirm their wedding vows . The ceremonies have been
Kaynak: Wedding vow renewal ceremony
Any agreement to reaffirm must be made before the discharge is entered. If you are in the process of reaffirming a debt and feel it will
Kaynak: Reaffirmation agreement
establish or confirm facts, reaffirm the results of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorem s, or develop new theories .
Kaynak: Research
And the VDPA seeks to reaffirm human rights as universal and relevant standard. The Preamble states: "Emphasizing that the Universal
Kaynak: Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

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