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recognize ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

recognize anlamı
1) tanımak
2) farkına varmak
3) kabul etmek
4) farketmek
5) onaylamak
6) takdir etmek
7) ayırt etmek
8) söz hakkı tanımak
9) itiraf etmek

"recognize" için örnek kullanımlar

You recognize the characters immediately, and the story flows flawlessly.
Hemen karakterleri tanımak ve hikaye kusursuz akar.
Kaynak: flickeringmyth.com
You might recognize Stockton, who's still active on the national scene.
Sen ulusal sahnede hâlâ aktif Stockton, tanıyabilir.
Kaynak: blogs.pjstar.com
You might recognize the "Lighting the Lamp" feature from the Game Time paper.
Sen Game Time kağıttan "Aydınlatma Lambası" özelliği de tanıyabilir.
Kaynak: stlouisgametime.com
I like Ryan Smyth, but he's not what he was and Krueger has to recognize that.
Ryan Smyth seviyorum, ama o oldu ve Krueger tanımak zorunda değil.
Kaynak: coppernblue.com
However, recall has been found to be superior to recognition in some cases, such as a failure to recognize words that can later be recalled
Kaynak: Recall (memory)
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Armenia can not recognize another entity in the same situation as long as it has not recognized the Nagorno-
Kaynak: International recognition of Kosovo
The overwhelming majority of historians as well as academic institutions on Holocaust and Genocide Studies recognize the Armenian Genocide
Kaynak: Armenian Genocide recognition
Algeria does not recognize Israel and has not even made any steps towards normalizing its relations with Israel'." " | — | — | title Visa
Kaynak: International recognition of Israel
Iran has severed all diplomatic and commercial ties with Israel, and its government does not recognize Israel as a country and refers to
Kaynak: Iran–Israel relations
(PA), Ali Kashan, expressed the PA's wishes to recognize the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) over “the territory
Kaynak: Foreign relations of the Palestine Liberation Organization
I Like to Recognize the Tune is an American popular song written by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart . like to recognize
Kaynak: I Like to Recognize the Tune

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