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register ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

register anlamı
1) kaydetmek
2) kayıtlı olmak
3) göstermek
4) kayda geçirmek
5) yazmak
6) yazılmak
7) yazdırmak
8) patent vermek
9) taahhütlü göndermek
10) sicile geçmek
11) dışa vurmak
12) izlenim bırakmak
13) etki yaratmak
14) satırları hizalamak
15) belli etmek
1) sicil
2) kasa
3) kütük
4) kayıt cihazı
5) defter
6) sayaç
7) liste
8) subap
9) valf
10) nikâh memuru
11) nüfus memuru
12) kayıt memuru
13) renk ayarı
14) ses perdesi
15) yan yana sayfaların satır hizası ayarı

"register" için örnek kullanımlar

You can register for the 44th annual race now, through an online lottery.
Bir çevrimiçi piyango yoluyla, şimdi 44'üncü yıllık yarış için kayıt olabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: lawrenceville-ga.patch.com
If you're not already logged in you will be asked to log in or register.
Zaten giriş değilseniz size bağlanmanız veya kayıt istenecektir.
Kaynak: stabroeknews.com
Runners are encouraged to register early as seating will be limited.
İkincisi oturma sınırlı olacaktır olduğunca erken kayıt için teşvik edilir.
Kaynak: romesentinel.com
It took 16:52 for the Rangers to register a shot at even strength.
Hatta güçte bir atış kayıt Rangers 16:52 aldı.
Kaynak: pensburgh.com
Register or registration may refer to:register | registration Music : Register (music), the relative "height" or range of a note, melody, part
Kaynak: Register
In computer architecture , a processor register is a small amount of storage available as part of a CPU or other digital processor.
Kaynak: Processor register
In linguistics , a register is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. For example,
Kaynak: Register (sociolinguistics)
In music , a register is the relative "height" or range of a note , set of pitch es or pitch class es, melody , part, instrument or group
Kaynak: Register (music)
Speech pathologists identify four vocal registers based on the physiology of laryngeal function: the vocal fry register , the modal
Kaynak: Human voice
A parish register is a handwritten volume, normally kept in a parish church or deposited within a county record office or alternative
Kaynak: Parish register
A breed registry, also known as a stud book or register, in animal husbandry and the hobby of animal fancy , is an official list of
Kaynak: Breed registry
A cash register also referred to as till is a mechanical or electronic device for calculating and recording sales transactions, and an
Kaynak: Cash register
An effort to get people to register is known as a voter registration drive . In democracies where resident registration is in effect, voter
Kaynak: Voter registration
In digital electronics , especially computing , a hardware register stores bits of information in such a way that systems can write to or
Kaynak: Hardware register
In art and archaeology, a register is a vertical level in a work that consists of several levels, especially where the levels are clearly
Kaynak: Register (sculpture)

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