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regress ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

regress anlamı
1) gerileme
2) geri çekilme
3) ricat
4) geri gitme
5) dönüş
1) geri gitmek
2) gerilemek
3) geri çekilmek
4) dönmek

"regress" için örnek kullanımlar

A work in progress is McIlroy's answer but this was more like regress.
A work in progress McIlroy cevabı ancak bu daha fazla geriler gibi oldu.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Over time, it'll regress towards it's true sum for the team or player.
Zamanla, o takım ya da oyuncu için gerçek toplamı doğru geriler edeceğiz.
Kaynak: inlouwetrust.com
He could regress, leaving Mark the unfettered reign as the QB.
O QB olarak dizginsiz saltanatı işaretleyin bırakarak gerileyebilir olabilir.
Kaynak: thejetpress.com
Regress may refer to: Regress argument , a problem in epistemology concerning the justification of propositions. Infinite regress
Kaynak: Regress
An infinite regress in a series of propositions arises if the truth of proposition P 1 requires the support of proposition P 2, the truth
Kaynak: Infinite regress
In philosophy , Ryle's regress is a classic argument against cognitivist theories, and concludes that such theories are essentially
Kaynak: Ryle's regress
In science , experimenter's regress refers to a loop of dependence between theory and evidence. In order to judge whether evidence is
Kaynak: Experimenter's regress
In property law , ingress, egress, and regress are the right s of a person (such as a lessee ) to enter, leave, and return to a property ,
Kaynak: Ingress, egress, and regress
Views that accept the infinite regress are branded infinitism . Agrippa and the Greek skeptics : The following tropes for Greek skepticism
Kaynak: Münchhausen trilemma

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