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regurgitation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"regurgitation" için örnek kullanımlar

That's nothing more than a regurgitation of the word's definition.
Bu sözcük tanımı bir yetersizliği başka bir şey var.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Meanwhile "severe regurgitation" was eliminated in all patients.
Bu arada "ciddi yetersizliği" Tüm hastalarda elendi.
Kaynak: wired.co.uk
Yes Art classic regurgitation of talking points by Publius who is a drive by commentator.
Yorumcu tarafından bir sürücü Publius puan konuşurken Sanat klasik yetersizliği Evet.
Kaynak: noozhawk.com
Severe regurgitation was eliminated in all patients.
Şiddetli yetersizliği tüm hastalarda elendi.
Kaynak: scienceworldreport.com
Vomiting is different from regurgitation , although the two terms are often used interchangeably. Regurgitation is the return of
Kaynak: Vomiting
Aortic insufficiency (AI), also known as aortic regurgitation (AR), is the leaking of the aortic valve of the heart that causes blood to
Kaynak: Aortic insufficiency
Tricuspid insufficiency (TI), a valvular heart disease also called tricuspid regurgitation (TR), refers to the failure of the heart's
Kaynak: Tricuspid insufficiency
Mitral regurgitation (MR), mitral insufficiency or mitral incompetence is a disorder of the heart in which the mitral valve does not
Kaynak: Mitral regurgitation
Pulmonic regurgitation, also known as pulmonary regurgitation, is the backward flow of blood from the pulmonary artery , through the
Kaynak: Pulmonic regurgitation
In severe cases of classic MVP, complications include mitral regurgitation , infective endocarditis , congestive heart failure , and, in
Kaynak: Mitral valve prolapse
Rumination syndrome, or Merycism, is an under-diagnosed chronic condition characterized by effortless regurgitation of most meals
Kaynak: Rumination syndrome
Valvular disease ! Mitral stenosis ! Aortic stenosis ! Aortic regurgitation ! Mitral regurgitation ! Tricuspid regurgitation |!
Kaynak: Valvular heart disease
Rumination syndrome , a chronic condition characterized by effortless regurgitation of most meals following consumption. Rumination
Kaynak: Rumination
Carvallo's sign is a clinical sign found in patients with tricuspid regurgitation . enables it to be distinguished from mitral regurgitation .
Kaynak: Carvallo's sign
Pulmonary valve insufficiency (or incompetence, or regurgitation) is a condition where the pulmonary valve is not strong enough to
Kaynak: Pulmonary valve insufficiency
An esophageal motility disorder is any medical disorder causing difficulty in swallowing , regurgitation of food and a spasm -type pain
Kaynak: Esophageal motility disorder
It may cause aortic regurgitation , thoracic aortic dissection , aneurysm and rupture. It is often associated with Marfan syndrome .
Kaynak: Annuloaortic ectasia
A Graham Steell murmur is a heart murmur typically associated with pulmonary regurgitation . It is a high pitched early diastolic murmur
Kaynak: Graham Steell murmur
Mitral valve disease , AKA Mitral regurgitation or mitral insufficiency. Montevideo , capital and chief port of Uruguay. Carrasco International
Kaynak: MVD (disambiguation)

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