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remonstrate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

remonstrate anlamı
1) itiraz etmek
2) protesto etmek
3) kınamak
4) sitem etmek
5) uyarmak
6) güçlü kanıtları olmak

"remonstrate" için örnek kullanımlar

Ferguson came down from his seat to remonstrate with the fourth official.
Ferguson dördüncü hakem ile uyarmak için onun koltuğuna indi.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Ferguson's frustration was immediate and was evident as he pushed his way out of the home dugout to remonstrate with the fourth official.
Ferguson'un hayal kırıklığı derhal harekete geçti ve o dördüncü hakem ile itiraz etmek için dışarı ev sığınağın yolunu itti belliydi.
Kaynak: sportingjournal.com.au
The visitors had reason to remonstrate with the match officials too, an incorrect offside flag forcing Michael Powell's goal to be scrubbed from the record.
Ziyaretçiler de maç yetkilileri ile uyarmak için neden, rekor temizlendi Michael Powell'ın hedefi zorlayarak yanlış bir ofsayt bayrağı vardı.
Kaynak: northwichguardian.co.uk
She used to be a Resistance gang leader in Paris before she became a waitress. Rene Artois , her employer, has to remonstrate with her
Kaynak: Mimi Labonq
clearly the worse for drink, and the wife determined both to remonstrate with him and to get him undressed and into bed as quickly as possible
Kaynak: Two A.M.; or, the Husband's Return
Its chief function was to remonstrate with the king if there was wrong or improper action or policy. Important decrees of the king were
Kaynak: Three offices of Joseon
and a drunk Celtic fan who abused and attempted to remonstrate with Dallas from the upper tier fell over the balcony to the lower tier
Kaynak: List of violent spectator incidents in sports

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