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reprobate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

reprobate anlamı
1) lanetlemek
2) ayıplamak
3) kınamak
4) hoşgörmemek
5) huzuruna kabul etmemek
1) günahkâr
2) ahlaksız
3) serseri
1) günahkâr
2) ahlaksız
3) yoldan çıkmış

"reprobate" için örnek kullanımlar

A scalawag, the dictionaries tell us, is a rascal, a reprobate, a scamp, a scoundrel.
Bir Scalawag, sözlükler bize, bir serseri, bir günahkâr, bir bıçkın bir hergele olduğunu.
Kaynak: bostonglobe.com
So he set out on a surveillance mission and it wasn't long before the recyclable reprobate appeared.
Yani bir gözetleme misyonu yola çıkmış ve geri dönüştürülebilir lanetlemek çıkarılmadan önce uzun değildi.
Kaynak: www2.tbo.com
Coppers are keeping an eye on the reprobate, as he desperately tries to collect cash to secure his freedom.
Umutsuzca özgürlüğünü güvenceye almak için nakit toplamak çalışır gibi bakırlar, günahkâr bir göz tutuyor.
Kaynak: whtimes.co.uk
I'm not here to rally against that which the government legislates, I simply don't support a mind that is reprobate.
Ben hükümetin yasama olan kapitalizme karşı miting için burada değilim, ben sadece günahkâr bir zihin desteklemez.
Kaynak: salon.com
This same state of unbelief is also known as reprobation. In Calvinist terminology, the non-elect are often referred to as the reprobate.
Kaynak: Reprobation
scathing account of his behavior recorded in De excidio et conquestu Britanniae by Saint Gildas , who considered Maelgwn a usurper and reprobate.
Kaynak: Maelgwn Gwynedd
and all the reprobate, to eternal fire until he shall recover himself from the toils of the devil and return to amendment and to penitence.
Kaynak: Bell, book, and candle
He is depicted as a man who only attempts to amuse himself, and at the end is proven to be a reprobate. First Arrival to Mansfield Park
Kaynak: Henry Crawford
According to J. E. Neale a "reprobate who gained notoriety by his excesses, he was several times in serious trouble with Parliament
Kaynak: Arthur Hall (politician)
.we likewise condemn, reprobate, and reject completely the books and all the writings and sermons of the said Martin, whether in Latin or
Kaynak: Exsurge Domine
theology encouraged a dualistic language of social description, particularly a distinction between the 'godly' and the 'reprobate' of the parish.
Kaynak: Reformation of Manners
The eternity of Hell has also been justified in the Scholastic tradition by appeal to the irrevocability of the reprobate's decision to
Kaynak: Problem of Hell
All vengeance is the Lord's and is reserved for Judgment Day when the bodies of the reprobate shall become their own hells. Then shall all
Kaynak: John Reeve (religious leader)

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