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revolutionary ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

revolutionary anlamı
1) devrimci
2) inkılâpçı
1) devrimci
2) devrim
3) devrimlerle ilgili

"revolutionary" için örnek kullanımlar

Obviously, there wasn't a revolutionary addition to the starting rotation.
Açıkçası, başlangıç ​​rotasyon devrimci bir yanı yoktu.
Kaynak: beyondtheboxscore.com
The revolutionary new ship will have a Carlo's Bake Shop on deck eight.
Devrimci yeni gemi güvertesi sekiz tarihinde Carlo Bake Shop olacaktır.
Kaynak: theage.com.au
They noted that the updates were more evolutionary than revolutionary.
Onlar güncellemeleri devrimsel yerine evrimsel olduğunu kaydetti.
Kaynak: news.cnet.com
But the upgrades are being called evolutionary and not revolutionary.
Ama yükseltmeleri evrimsel ve devrimci olmayan davet ediliyoruz.
Kaynak: foxbusiness.com
A revolutionary is a person who either actively participates in, or advocates revolution Also, when used as an adjective, the term
Kaynak: Revolutionary
At the peak of the terror, the slightest hint of counter-revolutionary thoughts or activities (or, as in the case of Jacques Hébert ,
Kaynak: French Revolution
The term revolutionary socialism refers to socialist tendencies that subscribe to the doctrine that a social revolution is necessary in
Kaynak: Revolutionary socialism
At the same time rising prices led to demands for higher wages in the factories, and in January and February 1916 revolutionary propaganda
Kaynak: Russian Revolution
It remains the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history, but within a year, reactionary forces had won out, and the
Kaynak: Revolutions of 1848
The revolution began in July 1953, and finally ousted Batista on 1 January 1959, replacing his regime with Castro's revolutionary
Kaynak: Cuban Revolution
From March 1848 through July 1849, the Habsburg Austrian Empire was threatened by revolutionary movements. Much of the revolutionary
Kaynak: Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire
The old theories were also dealt a significant blow by new revolutionary events that could not be easily explain by them. The Iranian and
Kaynak: Revolution

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