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revue ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

revue anlamı
1) revü
2) varyete
3) danslı gösteri

"revue" için örnek kullanımlar

Currently the "101st Revue" is on Second City's main stage and "We're All i
Şu anda "101. Revue" Second City ana sahnede olan ve "Biz bütün i sensin
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
That was back in 1916, when Marion was a showgirl performing in a revue of Stop!
Marion Dur bir revü konser bir showgirl oldu o zaman, 1916 yılında geri döndü!
Kaynak: thegloss.com
Essentially the show is a musical revue held together by the slenderest of stories.
Esasen gösterisi hikayeleri slenderest tarafından birlikte düzenlenen bir müzikal revü.
Kaynak: troyrecord.com
At 50, the Poison frontman would be the oldest guess host for the men's dance revue.
50 At, Poison solisti erkek dans revüsü için eski tahminim ana olacaktır.
Kaynak: rumorfix.com
A revue is a type of multi-act popular theatrical entertainment that combines music , dance and sketches . The revue has its roots in 19
Kaynak: Revue
The Cambridge Footlights Revue is an annual revue by the Footlights Club - a group of comic writer-performers at the University of
Kaynak: Cambridge Footlights Revue

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