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"rife" için örnek kullanımlar

Speculation had been rife that Injera may be included in the touring party.
Spekülasyon Injera turne parti dahil olabilir dolaşıyordu olmuştu.
Kaynak: the-star.co.ke
David Moyes' future is rife with speculation ashe has not signed a new contract.
David Moyes 'geleceği spekülasyon küller, yeni bir sözleşme imzaladı değil dolu.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Now, speculations are rife that the Galaxy S4 may make its India debut in early May.
Şimdi, spekülasyonlar Galaxy S4 erken Mayıs ayında Hindistan'ın ilk yapabilir dolu.
Kaynak: ibtimes.co.in
Rhetorical Theory is a subject rife with jargon and special terminology. This page explains commonly used rhetorical terms in alphabetical
Kaynak: Glossary of rhetorical terms
Quantum mechanics is a highly complex field within physics, rife with apparent paradox es. There are numerous interpretations within the
Kaynak: Minority interpretations of quantum mechanics
The subject of computer backups is rife with jargon and highly specialized terminology. This page is a glossary of backup terms that aims
Kaynak: Glossary of backup terms
Corruption is rife in Papua New Guinea (PNG According to The Economist : “PNG's governments are notorious for corruption, and ever run the
Kaynak: Corruption in Papua New Guinea
In a sport plagued by doping scandals and rife with allegations of official corruption and fraud, Greg LeMond was considered one of the
Kaynak: Greg LeMond anti-doping stance and controversies
It is bounded to the west by Bracklesham Bay, to the north by Broad Rife (rife being the local word for stream or creek), to the east by
Kaynak: Selsey
that she had been fired in an attempt by several senior Women's Royal Air Force (WRAF) officers to cover up "rife immorality within the WRAF.
Kaynak: Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Women's Royal Air Force

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