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ringworm ne demek?

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"ringworm" için örnek kullanımlar

Relapse Records has signed metal/hardcore veterans Ringworm.
Relapse Records metal / hardcore gazileri Saçkıran imzaladı.
Kaynak: dreadcentral.com
Relapse Records has signed metal/hardcore outfit Ringworm.
Relapse Records metal / hardcore kıyafet Saçkıran imzaladı.
Kaynak: punknews.org
"Throughout our existence I've felt that Ringworm has always been the 'black sheep,' never quite fitting into any specific genre mold.
"Varlığımızı boyunca herhangi bir belirli bir tür kalıp içine oldukça uydurma asla 'kara koyun' Saçkıran hep olmuştur hissettim.
Kaynak: metalunderground.com
Dermatophytosis or ringworm is a clinical condition caused by fungal infection of the skin in humans, pets such as cats, and domesticated
Kaynak: Dermatophytosis
Tinea capitis (also known as "Herpes tonsurans "Ringworm of the hair," "Ringworm of the scalp," "Scalp ringworm and "Tinea tonsurans") is
Kaynak: Tinea capitis
The ringworm affair refers to circumstances involving at least 20,000 Israeli individuals, particularly children, who were treated between
Kaynak: Ringworm affair
Athlete's foot (also known as ringworm of the foot and tinea pedis) is a fungal infection of the skin that causes scaling, flaking, and
Kaynak: Athlete's foot
Tinea corporis (also known as ringworm tinea circinata and tinea glabrosa) is a superficial fungal infection (dermatophytosis ) of the
Kaynak: Tinea corporis
Onychomycosis (also known as "dermatophytic onychomycosis "ringworm of the nail," and "tinea unguium") means fungal infection of the nail
Kaynak: Onychomycosis
Tinea cruris, also known as crotch itch, crotch rot, Dhobie itch, eczema marginatum gym itch, jock itch, jock rot, and ringworm of the
Kaynak: Tinea cruris
An antifungal medication is a pharmaceutical fungicide used to treat mycoses such as athlete's foot , ringworm , candidiasis (thrush),
Kaynak: Antifungal medication
Tinea (also called ringworm ) is any of a variety of skin mycoses It is sometimes equated with dermatophytosis ,date July 2012 and, while
Kaynak: Tinea
Trichophyton rubrum is a fungus that is the most common cause of athlete's foot , jock itch , and ringworm . This fungus was first
Kaynak: Trichophyton rubrum
Microsporum is a genus of fungi that causes tinea capitis, tinea corpus, ringworm, and other dermatophytoses (fungal infection s of the
Kaynak: Microsporum
Dermatophytids are fungus-free disseminated skin lesions resulting from induced sensitization in patients with ringworm infections 301
Kaynak: Dermatophytid
Serpiginous, often referring to some chronic medical affliction, signifies it as slowly progressive or "creeping", such as ringworm .
Kaynak: Serpiginous
Microsporum canis is an organism that can cause tinea capitis in humans, and simple ringworm in pets The organism's major reservoir in
Kaynak: Microsporum canis
Kerion is the result of the host's response to a fungal ringworm infection of the hair follicle s of the scalp and beard accompanied by
Kaynak: Kerion

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