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roundly ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

roundly anlamı
1) kesinlikle
2) şiddetle
3) açıkça
4) yuvarlak olarak
5) aşağı yukarı
6) yaklaşık olarak
7) dobra dobra
8) Tamamen
9) tam olarak

"roundly" için örnek kullanımlar

The clip was roundly greeted online as proof of Kunis' "awesomeness."
Klip yuvarlak Kunis 'kanıtı olarak online karşılandı "awesomeness."
Kaynak: newsfactor.com
His replacement, Stephen Hunt, was immediately roundly booed.
Onun yerine, Stephen Hunt, hemen yuvarlak yuhalandı.
Kaynak: expressandstar.com
White was celebrated in some quarters, but roundly chastised by many fans and columnists.
Beyaz bazı kesimlerde kutlanan, ancak yuvarlak çok sayıda hayran ve köşe yazarları tarafından azarladı oldu.
Kaynak: salon.com
He should expect to be roundly booed throughout the game.
O yuvarlak oyun boyunca yuhalanmak beklemesin.
Kaynak: latimes.com
is the roundly tapered end of a two-dimensional or three-dimensional object. Applied physical science and engineering: File:Secant ogive.
Kaynak: Ogive
Many of his most notable sculptures were roundly criticized during his lifetime. They clashed with the predominant figure sculpture
Kaynak: Auguste Rodin
He was roundly criticized in Southern newspapers for allowing Union forces to capture the city of New Orleans . Early life: Lovell was born
Kaynak: Mansfield Lovell
which stoked controversy and was roundly condemned by Hewish's fellow astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in
Kaynak: Jocelyn Bell Burnell
The MCP lost its monopoly on power in a 1993 referendum, and was roundly defeated in the country's first free elections the next year.
Kaynak: Malawi Congress Party
The film failed to achieve the success of Cantinflas' previous American film and was roundly criticized by film critics. A VHS tape of the
Kaynak: Pepe (film)
The Manifesto was roundly denounced, especially by anti-slavery elements, and Soulé himself came under severe attack. Image:PSoule.
Kaynak: Pierre Soulé
Issues of what is folk music , what is folk rock , and who is folk were roundly discussed and debated. At the same time, Broadside
Kaynak: Broadside (magazine)
by roundly rejecting prior restraint s on publication, a principle that was applied to free speech generally in subsequent jurisprudence .
Kaynak: Near v. Minnesota
70 by the percentage growth rate (more roughly but roundly, dividing 72; see the rule of 72 for details and a derivation of this formula ).
Kaynak: Doubling time
The majority of modern scholarship has roundly rejected any historical basis for the travels of Jesus to India or Tibet or influences
Kaynak: Buddhism and Christianity
when, past his prime, he was roundly booed by his countrymen after dropping singles matches in Indonesia's controversial loss to Malaysia
Kaynak: Ferry Sonneville
The deal was roundly criticized since it paid Koncak more than Michael Jordan , Magic Johnson and Larry Bird . His large contract
Kaynak: Jon Koncak
Sundiata Keita's forces roundly defeated those of Sumanguru Kanté, guaranteeing the pre-eminence of Keita's new Mali Empire over West
Kaynak: Battle of Kirina
He is roundly mocked for this ambition, as steam is old fashioned, and Diesel and Electric engines now vie for supremacy. When Pearl
Kaynak: Rusty the Steam Engine
be his best man was roundly condemned: the notion that Will had no adult friends and would ask one of his students was inconceivable to many.
Kaynak: Yes/No
included all the Militant councillors, were surcharged and disqualified in 1986 They were also roundly criticised by Labour leader Neil Kinnock .
Kaynak: Liverpool Walton by-election, 1991
The 1958 election was no different, and McGuren was roundly defeated. McGuren sought a rematch in 1961 . On paper, he faced very long odds
Kaynak: Frank McGuren
Later re-evaluations of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints skeleton have roundly discredited Boule's initial work on the specimen. He was one of the
Kaynak: Marcellin Boule

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