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routine ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

routine anlamı
1) rutin
2) sıradan
3) alışılagelmiş
4) klişeleşmiş
5) her günkü
6) değişmeyen
7) basmakalıp
8) mekanikleşmiş
1) yordam
2) proGram
3) alışkanlık
4) sıradan işler
5) adet
6) her günkü işler
7) boş lâf
8) basmakalıp lâflar

"routine" için örnek kullanımlar

I have never covered a goalie that has such a disciplined pregame routine.
Ben böyle bir disiplinli pregame rutin olan bir kaleci kapalı hiç.
Kaynak: startribune.com
I didn't make eye contact, but the routine indicates he is of course starting.
Ben göz teması yapmak değildi, ama rutin o başlangıç ​​tabii olduğunu gösterir.
Kaynak: startribune.com
"I'll let it be a secret," he said when asked to describe his workout routine.
Onun egzersiz rutin tanımlamak için sorulduğunda "bir sır olarak izin vereceğim," dedi.
Kaynak: nbcsports.msnbc.com
It's all about repetition, having a routine and being consistent.
Bu rutin olan ve tutarlı olmak, tekrarlama ilgili.
Kaynak: bloodyelbow.com
Routine may refer to: Computing : Routine, another name for a computer subprogram. Subroutine , a routine inside another routine. Coroutine ,
Kaynak: Routine
succession of humorous stories, short jokes called "bits", and one-liners , which constitute what is typically called a monologue , routine or act.
Kaynak: Stand-up comedy
In different programming languages a subroutine may be called a procedure, a function, a routine, a method , or a subprogram.
Kaynak: Subroutine
The choreography of a formation team includes both choreography of a dancesport routine of an individual couple and the overall pattern
Kaynak: Formation dance
A visual routine is a means of extracting information from a visual scene. "visual routines" extract the desired information from the base
Kaynak: Visual routine
A urinalysis (UA), also known as routine and microscopy (R&M), is an array of tests performed on urine , and one of the most common
Kaynak: Urinalysis
The Duet free routine competition of the Synchronised swimming events at the 2011 World Aquatics Championships was held on July 19 with
Kaynak: Synchronised swimming at the 2011 World Aquatics Championships – Duet free routine

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