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rubber-stamp ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

rubber-stamp anlamı
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"rubber-stamp" için örnek kullanımlar

Webster's NewWorld Dictionary, Second College Edition, ISBN 0-671-41809-2 - page 1242 - "rubber-stamp 2. Colloq. thought - rubber stamp - 2.
Kaynak: Rubber stamp (politics)
The local post Hawai'i Post had a rubber-stamp postmark parts of which were hand-painted At Hideaway Island , Vanuatu , the Underwater
Kaynak: Postmark
However, for most of its existence, it has acted as a nearly powerless rubber-stamp legislature , ratifying decisions that have already
Kaynak: National People's Congress
It does little more than rubber-stamp presidential decisions. Latest election : See also : History of Equatorial Guinea List of national
Kaynak: Chamber of People's Representatives
Rider Sandman, a veteran of the Napoleonic Wars , is hired as an investigator as a formality to rubber-stamp the death sentence of a
Kaynak: Gallows Thief
In December 2002, Eyadéma's government used this rubber-stamp parliament to amend Togo's constitution, allowing President Eyadéma to run
Kaynak: 2000s in Togo
The National Assembly , like its counterparts in the rest of the Soviet bloc, did little more than rubber-stamp decisions already made by
Kaynak: Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party
In practice, like most other legislatures in Communist countries, the People's Chamber did little more than rubber-stamp decisions already
Kaynak: People's Chamber
"executive President" who has direct power and a "rubber-stamp President" who endorses government decisions without question or
Kaynak: K. R. Narayanan
ARENA was a docile instrument of the military to rubber-stamp its agenda. Most agree that, at first, the MDB did not have any chance to
Kaynak: National Renewal Alliance Party

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