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ruthenium ne demek?

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ruthenium anlamı
1) rutenyum

"ruthenium" için örnek kullanımlar

A smokestack once spewed radioactive ruthenium particles on an arc extending northeast toward Spokane.
Bir smokestack kez Spokane doğru kuzeydoğusunda uzanan bir yay üzerinde radyoaktif rutenyum parçacıklar kustu.
Kaynak: seattlepi.com
The company primarily produces platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, iridium, nickel, copper and cobalt, as well as gold.
Şirket öncelikle platin, paladyum, rodyum, rutenyum, iridyum, nikel, bakır, kobalt, ve altın üretir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Specifically, the team examined the accumulation of carbon monoxide on a catalyst surface made out of ruthenium, a rare type of transition metal.
Özellikle, takım rutenyum, geçiş metal ve nadir bir tür yapılmış bir katalizör yüzeyinde karbon monoksit birikimi incelenmiştir.
Kaynak: redorbit.com
The key to Beller's research, which was published in the journal Nature on Wednesday, is a new kind of soluble catalyst based on the rare metal ruthenium.
Çarşamba günü Nature dergisinde yayımlandı Beller araştırma için anahtar, nadir metal rutenyum dayalı çözünebilen katalizör yeni bir tür olduğunu.
Kaynak: theregister.co.uk
Naturally occurring ruthenium (Ru) is composed of seven stable isotope s. Additionally, 27 radioactive isotopes have been discovered.
Kaynak: Isotopes of ruthenium
Ruthenium hexafluoride, also ruthenium(VI) fluoride (RuF 6), is a compound of ruthenium and fluorine and one of the seventeen known
Kaynak: Ruthenium hexafluoride
The inorganic dye ammoniated ruthenium oxychloride, also known as Ruthenium Red, is used in histology to stain aldehyde fixed
Kaynak: Ruthenium red
Ruthenium(IV) oxide (Ru O sub 2/sub ) is a black chemical compound containing the rare metal ruthenium and oxygen . catalyst is ruthenium
Kaynak: Ruthenium(IV) oxide
Ruthenium borides are compounds of ruthenium and boron . Their most remarkable property is potentially high hardness. Vickers hardness H
Kaynak: Ruthenium boride
Chemical vapor deposition of ruthenium is a method to deposit thin layers of ruthenium on substrate by Chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
Kaynak: Chemical vapor deposition of ruthenium
(Cymene)ruthenium dichloride dimer is the organometallic compound with the formula (cymene)RuCl 2 2. This red-coloured, diamagnetic
Kaynak: (Cymene)ruthenium dichloride dimer
Laurite is an opaque black, metallic ruthenium sulfide mineral with formula: RuS 2. It crystallizes in the isometric system.
Kaynak: Laurite
Dicarbonyltris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(0) or Roper's complex is a ruthenium metal carbonyl In it, two carbon monoxide ligand s and
Kaynak: Dicarbonyltris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(0)
Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) is a coordination complex of ruthenium . It is a chocolate brown solid that is soluble in
Kaynak: Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II)
Dichlorotetrakis(dimethyl sulfoxide) ruthenium(II) describes coordination compound s with the formula RuCl 2(dmso)4, where DMSO is
Kaynak: Dichlorotetrakis(dimethyl sulfoxide)ruthenium(II)
Tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) dichloride is the coordination compound with the formula Ru(bipy)3 Cl 2. This red crystalline salt is
Kaynak: Tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) chloride
Tetrasodium tris(bathophenanthroline disulfonate)ruthenium(II) (Na 4 Ru(bps)3) is a coordination compound containing a ruthenium center.
Kaynak: Tetrasodium tris(bathophenanthroline disulfonate)ruthenium(II)
This page provides supplementary chemical data on ruthenium(IV) oxide Thermodynamic properties -! | Phase behavior | Triple point | ?
Kaynak: Ruthenium(IV) oxide (data page)
Chloro(cyclopentadienyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium is the organoruthenium half-sandwich compound with formula RuCl(PPh 3)2(C 5 H 5
Kaynak: Chloro(cyclopentadienyl)bis(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium

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