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saber ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

saber anlamı
1) kılıç
2) süvari kılıcı
3) eskrim kılıcı
1) kılıçtan geçirmek
2) kılıçla kesmek
3) kılıçla vurmak

"saber" için örnek kullanımlar

"This whole thing strikes me as a huge amount of saber rattling," he said.
"Her şey savaş tehdidi büyük bir miktar olarak beni vurur" dedi.
Kaynak: eweek.com
A villain with a light saber is the ultimate goal, if that's not asking too much.
Çok fazla soran değilse bir ışın kılıcı ile kötü, nihai hedefimizdir.
Kaynak: ign.com
rattling the fragmentation saber again, and this time pointing it squarely at rival Samsung.
Yine parçalanma kılıç sarsmayı ve bu kez rakibi Samsung'un dürüstçe bunu işaret.
Kaynak: engadget.com
Read the full story, which also proves that Lucas is impressive handling a light saber, here.
Ayrıca Lucas burada, bir ışın kılıcı işleme etkileyici olduğunu kanıtlıyor tam hikaye, okuyun.
Kaynak: theatlanticwire.com
The sabre or saber (see spelling differences ) is a kind of backsword that usually has a curved, single-edged blade and a rather large
Kaynak: Sabre
The sabre is one of the three weapons of modern fencing , and is alternatively spelled saber in American English . The sabre differs from
Kaynak: Sabre (fencing)
The hand guard on the saber extends from pommel to the base of where the blade connects to the hilt. This is generally turned outwards
Kaynak: Fencing
Dao is a category of single-edge Chinese sword s primarily used for slashing and chopping (saber s), often called a broadsword in English
Kaynak: Dao (sword)

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