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salient ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

salient anlamı
1) belirgin
2) çarpıcı
3) göze çarpan
4) dikkat çekici
5) çıkıntılı
6) dış
7) fışkıran
8) atlayan
9) sıçrayan
1) istihkâm dış açısı

"salient" için örnek kullanımlar

This principle is as salient for institutions as it is for individuals.
Bireyler için olduğu gibi bu prensip kurumlar için de dikkat çekmektedir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Some will regard his explanation as piffle but he does make a salient point.
Bazı saçmalamak olarak yaptığı açıklama kabul edecek ama bir taç noktası yapar.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Our hatred of college basketball players may be shallow, but damn is it salient.
Kolej basketbol oyuncuları Bizim nefretle sığ olabilir, ama kahretsin dikkat çekmektedir.
Kaynak: grantland.com
However, I have read it and wanted to present a few salient points for discussion.
Ancak, ben okudum ve tartışma için birkaç belirgin nokta sunmak istedim.
Kaynak: creditwritedowns.com
Salient may refer to:salient. See Salients, re-entrants and pockets for the battlefield feature. Salient (geography), part of a discrete
Kaynak: Salient
A salient is a battlefield feature that projects into enemy territory. The salient is surrounded by the enemy on three sides, making the
Kaynak: Salients, re-entrants and pockets
The Ypres Salient is the area around Ypres in Belgium which was the scene of some of the biggest battles in World War I . a salient is a
Kaynak: Ypres Salient
(standing), salient or springing (leaping), sejant (seated), couchant or lodged (lying prone with head raised), or occasionally dormant (sleeping).
Kaynak: Charge (heraldry)
Salient: A beast salient (Latin : saliēns, "leaping") (also springing) is leaping, with both hind legs together on the ground and both
Kaynak: Attitude (heraldry)
A term used elsewhere is salient, derived from military salients . While similar to a peninsula in shape, a panhandle is not surrounded
Kaynak: Panhandle
The result of this study concluded that "even though the federal deficit issue was one of the more salient to newspaper and voters during
Kaynak: Salience (language)

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