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salvation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

salvation anlamı
1) kurtuluş
2) kurtarma
3) selamet
4) kurtulma
5) kurtarılma
6) günahlardan kurtulma

"salvation" için örnek kullanımlar

"Those who separate the people of God from salvation. These are today's hypocrites."
"Kurtuluş gelen Tanrı'nın insanları ayırmak kimin. Bunlar Bunlar bugünün ikiyüzlüler."
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
Is their burgeoning love doomed to fail, or might it be the unlikely key to the salvation of human kind?
Kendi filizlenen aşk başarısız olmaya mahkumdur, ya da insan türünün kurtuluşu için olası anahtar olabilir?
Kaynak: channel24.co.za
Amazing how many want to tell the Church how to improve God's way to salvation as given to our first pope, Peter.
Bizim ilk papa, Peter verilen kurtuluş Tanrı'nın yolu nasıl geliştirileceğine Kilisesi söylemek istiyorum kaç İnanılmaz.
Kaynak: naplesnews.com
You can know this Jesus today simply by saying a prayer, meaning it in your heart, and thanking God for His salvation.
Sadece, bir dua söyleyerek kalbinizde onu anlam ve O'nun kurtuluş için Tanrı'ya teşekkür ederek bu İsa bugün biliyorsunuz.
Kaynak: dailyamerican.com
Soteriology (Greek σωτηρία el | sōtēria "salvation" from σωτήρ el | sōtēr "savior, preserver" + λόγος el | logos "study" or "word) is the
Kaynak: Soteriology
Sikhi advocates the pursuit of salvation in a social context through the congregational practice of meditation on the name and message of
Kaynak: Sikhism
According to doctrine of the Latter Day Saint movement , the plan of salvation (also known as the plan of happiness) is a plan that God
Kaynak: Plan of salvation
Collective salvation is the religious belief that members of a group collectively influence the salvation of the group to which they
Kaynak: Collective salvation
Lutherans believe that individuals receive this gift of salvation through faith alone Saving faith is the knowledge of acceptance of and
Kaynak: Justification (theology)
Nanak says in Pauri 15 of Japuji, "manne paavae mokh dwar" which means that by reflecting on Lord's Name, one finds the door to salvation. '
Kaynak: Moksha
Christ as the Son of God and the all-sufficient and only means by whom one's sin can be atoned for and therefore the only route to salvation .
Kaynak: Conversion to Christianity

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