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samarium ne demek?

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samarium anlamı
1) samaryum

"samarium" için örnek kullanımlar

Rare earth metals present on the Moon include yttrium, lanthanum and samarium.
Ay mevcut Nadir toprak metalleri itriyum, lantan ve samaryum içerir.
Kaynak: designbuildsource.com.au
Among them are yttrium, lanthanum and samarium.
Bunlar arasında, itriyum, lantan ve samaryum vardır.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
A samarium–cobalt magnet, a type of rare earth magnet , is a strong permanent magnet made of an alloy of samarium and cobalt .
Kaynak: Samarium–cobalt magnet
Naturally occurring samarium (Sm) is composed of five stable isotope s, 144 Sm, 149 Sm, 150 Sm, 152 Sm and 154 Sm, and two extremely long-
Kaynak: Isotopes of samarium
Samarium monochalcogenides are chemical compounds with the composition SmX, where Sm stands for the lanthanide element samarium and X
Kaynak: Samarium monochalcogenides
Samarium chloride may refer to: Samarium(III) chloride (samarium trichloride), SmCl 3 Samarium dichloride (samarium(II) chloride), SmCl 2
Kaynak: Samarium chloride
Samarium(II) iodide (SmI 2, also known as "Kagan's reagent") is a green solid composed of samarium and iodine , with a melting point of
Kaynak: Samarium(II) iodide
Samarium-153 is an isotope of samarium . It emits beta particle s and gamma ray s. (The therapeutic component is largely due to the beta
Kaynak: Samarium-153
Samarium fluoride may refer to: Samarium(III) fluoride (samarium trifluoride), SmF 3 Samarium(II) fluoride (samarium difluoride), SmF 2
Kaynak: Samarium fluoride
Samarium(III) chloride (SmCl 3), also known as samarium trichloride, is a compound of samarium and chlorine . It is a pale yellow solid
Kaynak: Samarium(III) chloride
149 Sm is a stable isotope of samarium , and a fission product (yield 1.0888%) which is a neutron -absorbing nuclear poison with
Kaynak: Samarium-149
Samarium-neodymium dating is useful for determining the age relationships of rocks and meteorites, based on decay of a long-lived samarium
Kaynak: Samarium-neodymium dating
Samarium hexaboride is a typical intermediate-valence compound where samarium is present both as Sm 2+ and Sm 3+ ions at the ratio 3:7 It
Kaynak: Samarium hexaboride
Reductions with samarium(II) iodide involve the conversion of various classes of organic compounds into reduced products through the action
Kaynak: Reductions with samarium(II) iodide
(60) and samarium (62); this was confirmed in 1914 by Henry Moseley who, having measured the atomic numbers of all the elements then
Kaynak: Promethium

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