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sarcasm ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sarcasm anlamı
1) iğneleme
2) istihza
3) dokundurma
4) dokunaklı alay
5) gizli alay

"sarcasm" için örnek kullanımlar

Poulter later claimed sarcasm, but whatever his intent, truth won out.
Poulter sonra alay iddia etti, ancak ne olursa olsun niyet, gerçeği kazandı.
Kaynak: golfdigest.com
Sorry, I should have put sarcasm alert before that last sentence.
Üzgünüm, bu son cümleden önce alay uyarı koymak gerekirdi.
Kaynak: uk.movies.yahoo.com
Finally, a tablet simple enough for a woman to use sarcasm>.
Sonunda, alay> kullanmak bir kadın için yeterince basit bir tablet.
Kaynak: arstechnica.com
Veronica Mars solved crimes armed with her wit and sarcasm.
Veronica Mars onun zekâ ve alay ile silahlı suçlar çözüldü.
Kaynak: entertainment.gather.com
Although in the written English language there is no standard way to denote irony or sarcasm , several forms of punctuation have been
Kaynak: Irony punctuation
This mark was also proposed by the French poet Marcel Bernhardt at the end of the 19th century to indicate irony or sarcasm .
Kaynak: Irony
This may be an expression of sarcasm or incredulity, or it may also represent a rhetoric al attempt to frame a discussion in the writer's
Kaynak: Scare quotes
A common feature of satire is strong irony or sarcasm —"in satire, irony is militant. author-link Northrop Frye | first Northrop | last
Kaynak: Satire
Bullying and harsh sarcasm: Harsh sarcasm and bullying , though with the bully usually coming off worse than the victim - typified by:
Kaynak: British humour
To achieve their end, jokes may employ irony , sarcasm , word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punch line , i.e. an ending to
Kaynak: Joke
Dinsdale Piranha, who employed a combination of "violence and sarcasm " to intimidate the London underworld and bring the city to its knees.
Kaynak: Piranha Brothers
most popular sport, and which produces a particularly gifted student-athlete, while Randy deals with an inability to speak without sarcasm
Kaynak: Sarcastaball
Steely Dan's "cerebral, wry and eccentric" lyrics, often filled with sharp sarcasm, touch upon such themes as drugs , love affairs and
Kaynak: Steely Dan
made cartoons that appealed equally to adults, who appreciated Avery's speed, sarcasm, and irony, and to kids, who liked the nonstop action.
Kaynak: Tex Avery
the series features social commentary with sarcasm and off-beat humor in a style often compared to film noir Set in the fictional town of
Kaynak: List of Veronica Mars characters
irony or sarcasm ; emphasis , contrast , and focus ; or other elements of language that may not be encoded by grammar or choice of vocabulary .
Kaynak: Prosody (linguistics)
They are well known for their use of humor, preferring to use their music as a vehicle for entertainment and sarcasm rather than as a
Kaynak: The Vandals
Telepolis ; it ended with the statement "If you find sarcasm, please re-use it" ("Wer Sarkasmus findet, der/die möge ihn bitte weiterverwenden.").
Kaynak: Holger Voss
Use of sarcasm , humor , exaggeration, and profanity is common. Among the forefathers of the new journalism movement, Thompson said in the
Kaynak: Gonzo journalism
Anderson is known for using wit and sarcasm in his stories, as well as advocating that young adults are capable of mature comprehension.
Kaynak: Matthew Tobin Anderson

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