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sarcophagus ne demek?

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sarcophagus anlamı
1) lahit

"sarcophagus" için örnek kullanımlar

The mummy Hatiay's sarcophagus is closed after Hatiay underwent CT scanning.
Hatiay CT taraması yapıldı sonra mumya Hatiay lahitinin kapalıdır.
Kaynak: onlinesentinel.com
Now, look to the sarcophagus with the thinnest layer of dust and push back the lid.
Şimdi, toz ince bir tabaka ile lahit bakmak ve kapağı geri itin.
Kaynak: eurogamer.net
Religious leaders stand beside the marble sarcophagus, reciting prayers from the Quran.
Dini liderler Kuran'dan dualar okuyarak, mermer lahit yanında dikiliyorum.
Kaynak: globalpost.com
A sarcophagus is a box-like funeral receptacle for a corpse , most commonly carved in stone, and displayed above ground, though they may
Kaynak: Sarcophagus
The Alexander Sarcophagus is a late 4th century BC Hellenistic stone sarcophagus adorned with bas-relief carvings of Alexander the Great
Kaynak: Alexander Sarcophagus
The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus or Object Shelter is a massive concrete envelope surrounding the nuclear reactor unit 4 of
Kaynak: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus
The Hagia Triada sarcophagus is a late Bronze Age 137 cm-long limestone sarcophagus . It was originally dated to 1400 BC and was
Kaynak: Hagia Triada sarcophagus
However, frequent use of the sarcophagus becomes addictive and has a deleterious effect on the mind This is a main factor in why the
Kaynak: Goa'uld technology in Stargate
The Dogmatic Sarcophagus, also known as the "Trinity Sarcophagus" is an early Christian sarcophagus of about 320–350 now in the Vatican
Kaynak: Dogmatic Sarcophagus
The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus is a marble Early Christian sarcophagus used for the burial of Junius Bassus , who died in 359.
Kaynak: Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
The Portonaccio sarcophagus is a 2nd century ancient Roman sarcophagus found in the Portonaccio quarter of Rome and now held at the
Kaynak: Portonaccio sarcophagus
The Ludovisi Battle sarcophagus or "Great" Ludovisi sarcophagus is an ancient Roman sarcophagus dating to around 250–260 AD from a tomb
Kaynak: Ludovisi Battle sarcophagus
A sarcophagus is a funeral receptacle for a corpse. Sarcophagus may also refer to: Sarcophagus (Stargate), a fictional healing chamber in
Kaynak: Sarcophagus (disambiguation)
The sarcophagus with hunting scenes, known as Mattei I, is an ancient Roman sarcophagus of the 3rd century, displayed at the palazzo Mattei
Kaynak: Mattei sarcophagus I
The Sarcophagus of the Spouses (Italian: Sarcofago degli Sposi) is a late 6th century BC Etruscan anthropoid sarcophagus .
Kaynak: Sarcophagus of the Spouses
The type species , A. sarcophagus, was apparently restricted in range to the modern-day Canadian province of Alberta , after which the
Kaynak: Albertosaurus

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