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schist ne demek?

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schist anlamı
1) şist
2) kayaç

"schist" için örnek kullanımlar

The mapping has revealed that in detail, Proterozoic exposures are a mixture of granite, gneiss and schist.
Haritalama ayrıntılı, Proterozoyik maruz granit, gnays ve şist karışımı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.
Kaynak: marketwire.com
Shatter is grown on the black schist and slate rock near the town of Maury in the Roussillon region of France.
Paramparça Fransa Roussillon bölgesinde Maury ilçesi yakınlarında siyah şist ve kayrak kaya üzerinde yetiştirilir.
Kaynak: vancouversun.com
Palaeozoic to Triassic sediments and schist and Mesozoic marble are the main geological units within the project area.
Triyas çökelleri ve şist için Paleozoyik ve Mesozoyik mermer proje alanı içerisinde ana jeolojik birimlerdir.
Kaynak: marketwatch.com
Commissioned to reflect the schist and moraine boulder deposits from the substructure of the land around Arrowtown, it is located at The Hills House.
Arrowtown çevresindeki arazi altyapı gelen şist ve moren kaya mevduat yansıtmak için görevlendirilen, bunu Hills evinde yer almaktadır.
Kaynak: scoop.co.nz
The bedrock underlying much of Manhattan is a mica schist known as Manhattan Schist. It is a strong, competent metamorphic rock
Kaynak: Manhattan
The Bündner schist or Bündner slate. (Bündnerschiefer; schistes lustrés. is a collective name for schistose rocks that form a number of
Kaynak: Bündner schist
The Haast Schist is a New Zealand schist that is found on the eastern side of the Alpine Fault . Metamorphic grade progresses from
Kaynak: Haast Schist
Argillaceous schist is metamorphic rock which exhibits fine laminations of clay materials. Its protolith is argillite . Category:Schist
Kaynak: Argillaceous schist
The Wissahickon is described as a pelitic schist and gneiss with interlayers of quartzite . described as a silver to brown garnet mica-schist.
Kaynak: Wissahickon Formation
Some examples of metamorphic rocks are gneiss , slate , marble , schist , and quartzite . Metamorphic minerals : Metamorphic minerals are
Kaynak: Metamorphic rock
Blueschist often has a lepidoblastic , nematoblastic or schist ose rock microstructure defined primarily by chlorite, phengitic white
Kaynak: Blueschist
whereas slate has extremely fine clay flakes that achieve a preferred orientation, and schist has large mica flakes in a preferred orientation.
Kaynak: Phyllite
Slate is not to be confused with shale , from which it may be formed, or schist . Ninety percent of Europe's natural slate used for
Kaynak: Slate
Soapstone (also known as steatite or soaprock) is a talc -schist , which is a type of metamorphic rock . It is largely composed of the
Kaynak: Soapstone
Bratschen are weathering products that occur as a result of frost and aeolian corrasion almost exclusively on the calc- schist s of the
Kaynak: Bratschen
Tuần Châu is a schist island on the south-west side of Hạ Long City in Vietnam . Covered by pine forest, has an area of 2.2 km² and to
Kaynak: Tuần Châu

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