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seep ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

seep anlamı
1) sızmak
2) süzülmek

"seep" için örnek kullanımlar

When pressure drops, microbes in groundwater can seep into cracked pipes.
Zaman basıncı düşer, yeraltı mikroplar çatlak boruları içine sızmak.
Kaynak: nola.com
NFC is a technology that will seep into our everyday use almost unnoticed.
NFC neredeyse fark edilmeden günlük kullanıma sızacak bir teknolojidir.
Kaynak: tnooz.com
In fairness to the media dinosaurs, the message is starting to seep through.
Medya dinozorlar için adalet, mesaj sızıyor başlıyor.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
A seep is a moist or wet place where water , usually groundwater , reaches the earth's surface from an underground aquifer .
Kaynak: Seep (hydrology)
A petroleum seep is a place where natural liquid or gaseous hydrocarbons escape to the earth's atmosphere and surface, normally under low
Kaynak: Petroleum seep
Seep may refer to: A groundwater seep Seep (Card Game) A petroleum seep Cold seep The Ford GPA , an amphibious version of the WWII Ford GPW
Kaynak: Seep (disambiguation)
A cold seep (sometimes called a cold vent) is an area of the ocean floor where hydrogen sulfide , methane and other hydrocarbon -rich
Kaynak: Cold seep
A saline seep is seep of saline water , with an area of alkali salt crystals that form when the salty water reaches the surface and
Kaynak: Saline seep
The Coal Oil Point seep field offshore from Santa Barbara, California is a petroleum seep area of about three square kilometers adjacent
Kaynak: Coal Oil Point seep field
The Ford GPA 'Seep (from Seagoing Jeep), was an amphibious version of the WWII Ford GPW Jeep . Unlike the jeep, the seep was not a
Kaynak: Ford GPA
This species is endemic to underwater cold seep s (oil seep s and gas seep s) in the northern Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean .
Kaynak: Bathynerita naticoidea

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