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selfless ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

selfless anlamı
1) özverili
2) özgecil
3) kendini düşünmeyen

"selfless" için örnek kullanımlar

"He was selfless and really put the lives of the kids first," Baxter said.
"O bencil değildi ve gerçekten ilk çocukların hayatlarını koymak," Baxter dedi.
Kaynak: nydailynews.com
The Bible teaches us to be selfless and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
İncil özverili olmak ve komşularımızı kendimiz gibi sevmek için bize öğretir.
Kaynak: theclause.org
He was just selfless and really put the lives of the kids that he had first.
O sadece bencil değildi ve gerçekten o ilk olduğunu çocuklar hayatlarını koymak.
Kaynak: espn.go.com
I think when you knew him and knew what kind of guy he was, he was selfless.
Onu biliyordum ve o was bir adam ne tür biliyordu, o fedakar olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: newyork.mets.mlb.com
The attainment of nirvanic liberation (mokṣa ), by contrast with empty or selfless phenomena, is said to open up a realm of "utter bliss,
Kaynak: Śūnyatā
A random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or
Kaynak: Random act of kindness
Volunteer work; selfless service ; work offered to God (in Indian religions) The Seva Foundation , a non-profit foundation that fights
Kaynak: Seva
Hinokishin is a teaching from Tenrikyo in which adherents are taught to perform selfless actions in gratitude for the daily blessings of
Kaynak: Hinokishin
His selfless sacrifice during the Russo-Japanese War elevated him to the status of a deified national hero. Born in what is now Taketa,
Kaynak: Takeo Hirose
Agapism is belief in selfless, charitable, non-erotic (brotherly) love, spiritual love, love of the soul. It can mean belief that such
Kaynak: Agapism
The first Saint Fulk (there were three) was a pilgrim who was beatified for his selfless assistance of plague victims even when this was
Kaynak: Saint Fulk

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