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sensualist ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

sensualist anlamı
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"sensualist" için örnek kullanımlar

Dermout, in the manner of Thoreau and the early Hemingway, is an extraordinary sensualist. ... in passages of a startling, unadorned,
Kaynak: Maria Dermoût
many were taken aback at the expulsion of the sensualist who influenced the way a generation of New Yorkers ate, and who served as a lusty
Kaynak: Gael Greene
"Playing a vain, laid-back sensualist, the silver bearded Kristofferson has a smiling glow; he has never been more at ease; Rip Torn is
Kaynak: Songwriter (film)
and economic discrimination through her involvement with a manipulative member of the society whom she later termed “a baffled sensualist.”
Kaynak: Emma Hardinge Britten
familiar, but rather after the fashion of the vulgar sensualist, who, in the phrase of Knox, "was busie at his compts with Mistris Marion Ogilbie."
Kaynak: Cardinal Beaton (play)
This applies to nearly all non-Western philosophies, Oriental wisdom in particular, but also sensualist, empirical, materialist ,
Kaynak: Michel Onfray
is a story about how the domestic happiness of a young tutor, who marries the unacknowledged daughter of a Russian sensualist of the old
Kaynak: Alexander Herzen
This applies to nearly all non-Western philosophies, Oriental wisdom in particular, but also sensualist, empirical, materialist ,
Kaynak: Individualist anarchism in France
Dmitri is considered to be a sensualist, much like his father, spending large amounts of money on nights filled with champagne, women, and
Kaynak: The Brothers Karamazov
The fact that Fresu fits seamlessly into Bley's band the Lost Chords proves that he is an unusually brainy sensualist. And the purity and
Kaynak: The Lost Chords find Paolo Fresu

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