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sergeant ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sergeant anlamı
1) çavuş
2) astsubay
3) komiser muavini
4) Londra belediye memuru

"sergeant" için örnek kullanımlar

Jacalyn Sticha is a sergeant with the Minnesota State Patrol.
Jacalyn Sticha Minnesota Eyalet Devriyesi ile bir çavuş.
Kaynak: southernminn.com
A sergeant outside told him "we don't need this in Halifax."
Dışında bir çavuş "Biz Halifax Bu gerek yok" dedim.
Kaynak: thechronicleherald.ca
The campus force also expects for a busy weekend, a sergeant tells the student reporter.
Kampüs gücü de yoğun bir hafta sonu için beklediği, bir çavuş öğrenci muhabir söyler.
Kaynak: deadlinedetroit.com
She's a screaming mess most of the time who likes to play drill sergeant with her pupils.
O öğrenciler ile eğitim çavuşu oynamayı seviyor çoğu zaman bir çığlık karmaşa.
Kaynak: realitytea.com
Sergeant major is a senior non-commissioned rank or appointment in many militaries around the world. various degrees of sergeant major are
Kaynak: Sergeant major
Colour sergeant or color sergeant (CSgt or C/Sgt) is a rank of non-commissioned officer found in several militaries. British usage
Kaynak: Colour sergeant
Another effect of Unification was to delete the appointments of lance-corporal and lance-sergeant (a corporal holding the acting rank of
Kaynak: Corporal
Flight sergeant (Flt Sgt, F/Sgt, or FS) is a senior non-commissioned rank in the British Royal Air Force and several other air force s
Kaynak: Flight sergeant
The word Feldwebel is usually translated as sergeant being rated OR-6 in the NATO rank comparison scale , equivalent to the British Army
Kaynak: Feldwebel
In many militaries , a platoon sergeant is the senior enlisted member of a platoon , who advises and supports the platoon's commanding
Kaynak: Platoon sergeant

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