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sheaf ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

sheaf anlamı
1) demet
2) tomar
3) deste
1) demetlemek
2) demet yapmak

"sheaf" için örnek kullanımlar

………..Well now, they have to hold a whole sheaf of papers…….
........... Eh şimdi, onlar kağıtları bir bütün demet tutmak zorunda .......
Kaynak: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com
Pulling a sheaf of papers from it he reads from them and throws them on the floor.
Ondan kağıtları bir demet Çekme onlara okur ve onları yere atar.
Kaynak: wickedlocal.com
A sheaf of support letters from hospitality industry representatives is included in the council packet.
Otelcilik sektöründe temsilcilerinden destek mektupları bir demet konseyi paket dahildir.
Kaynak: montereyherald.com
In mathematics , a sheaf is a tool for systematically tracking locally defined data attached to the open set s of a topological space .
Kaynak: Sheaf (mathematics)
A sheaf is one of the large bundles in which cereal plants are bound after reaping so they are convenient for threshing out the grain.
Kaynak: Sheaf (agriculture)
The definition of coherent sheaves is made with reference to a sheaf of rings that codifies this geometrical information. Coherent
Kaynak: Coherent sheaf
In mathematics , an invertible sheaf is a coherent sheaf S on a ringed space X, for which there is an inverse T with respect to tensor
Kaynak: Invertible sheaf
The stalk of a sheaf is a mathematical construction capturing the behaviour of a sheaf around a given point. Motivation and definition
Kaynak: Stalk (sheaf)
In mathematics , injective sheaves of abelian group s are used to construct the resolutions needed to define sheaf cohomology (and other
Kaynak: Injective sheaf
The sheaf toss is a traditional Scottish agricultural sport event originally contested at country fairs. A pitchfork is used to hurl a
Kaynak: Sheaf toss
In mathematics , the constant sheaf on a topological space X associated to a set A is a sheaf of sets on X whose stalks are all equal
Kaynak: Constant sheaf
In mathematics, a constructible sheaf is a sheaf of abelian group s over some topological space X, such that X is the union of a finite
Kaynak: Constructible sheaf
In sheaf theory (an area of mathematics), a sheaf extension is a way of describing a sheaf in terms of a subsheaf and a quotient sheaf ,
Kaynak: Sheaf extension
In sheaf theory , a field of mathematics, a sheaf of mathcal O _X-modules mathcal F on a ringed space X is called locally free if for
Kaynak: Locally free sheaf
In mathematics, a torsion sheaf is a sheaf mathcal F on a site for which, for every quasi-compact U, the space of sections Gamma(U,
Kaynak: Torsion sheaf

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