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Siberian ne demek?

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Siberian anlamı
1) Sibirya
2) Sibiryalı
1) Sibiryalı

"Siberian" için örnek kullanımlar

How a cold, irradiated Siberian city hopes to cash in on meteor tourists.
Bir soğuk, ışınlanmış Sibirya şehri meteor turistler üzerinde nakit umuyor nasıl.
Kaynak: csmonitor.com
Like a Siberian winter, gloomy literature or a shirtless political leader.
Sibirya kış, kasvetli edebiyat veya bir gömleksiz siyasi lider gibi.
Kaynak: cnn.com
The tiny Siberian nation makes its living of reindeer herding.
Küçük Sibirya milletin geyiği gütme onun geçimini sağlıyor.
Kaynak: boxingscene.com
A decade ago, my husband Rick and I brought our baby home from a Siberian orphanage.
On yıl önce, kocam Rick ve ben bir Sibirya yetimhaneden bizim bebek eve getirdi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Major geographical zones include the West Siberian Plain and the Central Siberian Plateau . Siberia covers almost 10% of Earth's land
Kaynak: Siberia
The Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica), also known as the Amur tiger, is a tiger subspecies inhabiting mainly the Sikhote Alin
Kaynak: Siberian tiger
The Siberian Husky. (сибирский хаски. "Siberian husky") is a medium-size, dense-coat working dog breed that originated in north-eastern
Kaynak: Siberian Husky
The Siberian Crane (Leucogeranus leucogeranus) also known as the Siberian White Crane or the Snow Crane, is a bird of the family Gruidae,
Kaynak: Siberian Crane
Siberian Federal District. (Сиби́рский федера́льный о́круг. Sibirsky federalny okrug) is one of the eight federal districts of Russia .
Kaynak: Siberian Federal District
The Siberian is a domestic cat breed that has been present in Russia for centuries A longer name of the breed is Siberian Forest Cat,
Kaynak: Siberian (cat)
Siberian Cossacks were Cossacks who settled in the Siberian region of Russia from the end of the 16th century, following the Yermak
Kaynak: Siberian Cossacks
The Siberian Military District was a Military district of the Russian Ground Forces . In 2010 it was divided between the two newly formed
Kaynak: Siberian Military District
The Siberian Stonechat or Asian Stonechat (Saxicola maurus) is a recently-validated species of the Old World flycatcher family
Kaynak: Siberian Stonechat
The Siberian Traps. (Сибирские траппы, ru-Latn | Sibirskije trappy form a large region of volcanic rock, known as a large igneous province ,
Kaynak: Siberian Traps
The Siberian Turkic or Northeastern Common Turkic languages are one of six major branches of the Turkic language family . The following
Kaynak: Siberian Turkic languages
The Siberian fur trade is an exchange concerned with the gathering, buying, and selling of valuable animal furs that originate from Siberia
Kaynak: Siberian fur trade
The Siberian Shelf, one of the Arctic Ocean coastal shelves (such as Milne Ice Shelf ), is the largest continental shelf of the Earth ,
Kaynak: Siberian Shelf
There remain a considerable number of indigenous groups, between them accounting for below 10% of total Siberian population.
Kaynak: Indigenous peoples of Siberia
Many classical ethnographic sources of “shamanism” were recorded among Siberian peoples. These cultures are far from being alike.
Kaynak: Shamanism in Siberia
The Sibir Khanate had an ethnically diverse population of Siberian Tatars , Khanty , Mansi , Nenets and Selkup people. The Sibir Khanate
Kaynak: Khanate of Sibir
Siberia or "Angaraland" (or simply Angara) is today the Central Siberian Plateau . It is an extremely ancient craton that formed an
Kaynak: Siberia (continent)
Academician Mikhail Alexeyevich Lavrentyev , a physicist and mathematician, the first Chairman of the Siberian Division of the Soviet
Kaynak: Akademgorodok

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